My Friend (Part 2)

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The thing is, I scored relatively higher than average in those times, he wasn't that serious in studies. Now that I think about it, I think he probably enjoyed school more than I ever did. Probably because of his grades or us getting in trouble, but his mother hated me, she complained about us being close and getting in trouble because of that to the teacher. This happened many times, so the teacher started seating us at the far ends of the classroom, but, we still managed to stay close friends, still too close for our own good. Now in 6th grade, my grades started to drop a little, very little, but it was enough for my mother to blame my best friend and how he is a bad influence.

The teacher, now frustrated because of our parents' complaints, decided to call them to meet each other, and naturally, none of us showed up. Lol.

The class teacher told us that we would be in separate classes the next year

But by a stroke of pure luck, we were in the same class again, and with the same teacher. This year both our grades improved, and my friend started to take interest in studies. Everything was going great until puberty hit.

I truly miss those days.
Those were the best days I had, and they ended, just disappeared into thin air.
I lost my friend and my school life.

So we were now in our teens, barely knew what a romantic partner was but there were teen couples everywhere. Students getting teased about their crushes, students fooling around, getting in trouble, that sort of stuff.
I was a late bloomer i guess, by the time I realised what was happening, I had already fallen too far behind. Now my friend had a crush on this girl, they started having linch together, spending all of their time at school together, our friendship kinda took a backseat for him.

But he was the only real friend I had at that time, so this made me a little angry but I didn't know that this will be the end for our friendship. After Covid-19 hit, and we lost touch completely.

Fast-forward a couple of years,I was at school for practical exams after the lockdown was lifted. We see each other for the first time in forever and he is acting like he never knew me, and he is still in a relationship with her. So I act in the same way, don't talk to him and now I had lost the one real friend I thought I had for 9 years.

This has made me reconsider ever making friends that I can filly open up to and just have fun with.

I hope that none of you makes the same mistakes as I did, if you think you are going to lose a friend, talk to them as soon as you can and clear kut the air between you, because you will regret for the rest of your life, like I am.

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