Chapter 3

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——————(Maggie POV)

I woke up early, just when the sun would begin to rise. Normally I would have relaxed in bed, but I wanted to check up on the two in the basement as soon as I could.

Of course, I valued their privacy.... but I much rather wanted to know how it turned out!

Excitedly, I made my way down to the main floor and to the basement door. Using my keys, I quietly opened all the locks and snuck down the stairs. I could faintly hear rhythmic breathing coming from Vila in the main area.

Now that I thought about it, there was no real reason for me to rush. They would be sleeping for a long time. I looked around carefully... but I couldn't see him anywhere.

Where is he? He didn't somehow manage to get out again? The door was fine, did he break out the window? I was immediately upset.

But I froze suddenly as I spotted something strange. Slowly, I smiled with joy. My heart started beating with warmth. I could see the two of them were cuddling quite close. So close, that I didn't even notice him at first.

It seems that they had gotten along as well as I hoped they would. Feeling elated now, I carefully snuck my way back out. I was so happy for them. They not only needed but deserved each other!

I might as well get back to bed. No need for me to stay awake. I knew those two would be sleeping for quite a while. I would let them out later.

———————(Main POV)

My dreams were sweet. My mind and body were wrapped in a warm scaly hug. Life was perfect.

I shifted a little and felt that beautiful feeling slipping away. I was too asleep to do anything. Thankfully, that warmth reached out to me and pulled me back. At that moment, the fog of sleep slipped away and my vision was filled with beautiful purple scales.

I was somewhat stuck. She had me in quite the position, with her arms wrapped around me. She wasn't the biggest of dragons, so the way we were holding each other seemed pretty intimate.

I knew if I woke her up, the moment would be ruined and she would probably push me away. So I was going to enjoy this while I could.

I carefully moved myself in a little closer. She did the same, which surprised me a little.... But she was still asleep.

I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep...



I opened my eyes again. I wasn't sure how much time had passed since I was last awake, but our position hadn't changed. However, when I looked up to see her, she was awake and watching me.

She noticed me move, her beautiful eyes flicking over to scan me. I did not need to move, so I didn't.

I wanted to wait and see what she would say. However, she had the look of someone caught guilty of doing something. I knew my next words would change the situation... So I stuck with not saying anything at all.

I just gave her a warm smile and laid my head down again.

"You could say something" She breaks the silence

"Mmm... I didn't want to ruin the moment with words. I wanted to enjoy this for as long as I could"

"There's nothing to enjoy"

"That's not the least bit true in my case. I'm quite enjoying this"

"Well, I'm...." She trails off

"It's alright to say comfy. I feel the same. No point in denying it"

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