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"Well... I didn't see that coming..." The somewhat grubbily dressed man said to himself. He looked like a person who would travel the world homeless. Which was true, and he would admit it. After a certain amount of bullshit in his life, he realized that he wasn't cut out for this world the way a normal person was, and decided to travel everywhere he could, enjoying nature.


A few people laughed, a few people cried, while most were silent.. Watching the news broadcast on the small TV that hung on the wall.

Staring in disbelief at the horror present on the screen, hopefully denying that the information being displayed was somehow fake. Evident of course, that it was not.

The pictures displayed behind the terrified news crew showed massive meteorites plummeting from the sky, striking cities all around the world. The number of estimated causalities made many of those watching gasp in horror. Truly made him worry too. It was no wonder the whole world was panicking. This was the end, nothing would be the same after this.

The few videos of the destruction happening firsthand were intense. Smoke and ash blasted down streets as buildings were consumed in fire. People screaming for their lives, their final moments captured on a small phone camera, before they too themselves were consumed.

Feeling a little shaken by the display, he was about to turn away, when suddenly, a new bit of information graced the screen. His eyes widened... Was it true?

A few rushed and blurry pictures made it hard to make out, but a solid video confirmed it. The sound of a roar, a great creature spewing flame. Flipping cars and trucks, roasting everything that moved around it. The violence and destruction it caused was intense.

He was shocked, to say the least. For a long time, he had begged for a change in the world, but something like this was not what he had expected. Regardless, this would be his moment to shine if he can survive. He'll make damn sure that he does.

If anybody could survive this upcoming apocalypse, it would be him. He had been preparing his body for something like this for years. And his mind had been ready for even longer.

Stepping back through the crowd of people watching the screen and awaiting their doom, he calls out to all who might listen.

"This is it folks, the end. Times are going to be changing fucking quickly now. I don't think I'm going to handle it all with a sober mind. Anyone want to join me for a few drinks?"

Assuming his answer would be met with silence, he was pleasantly surprised when someone did answer.

"Count me in!" A guy calls out from the group. The man approached, he had a smile on his face. Nice clean-cut hair made it look the he had just come from the military.

"Great! Let's go find us something before things get too stir fucking crazy around here"

"Agreed!" He laughs. They both step out of the small diner that they had been standing in. The somewhat cloudy nice blue sky made it seem like it wasn't the end of the world. But that image quickly disappeared, as people were driving around like madmen.

Everyone was in a full-tilt panic, probably trying to secure supplies before it totally went to shit. It seemed the government didn't have an emergency plan for a situation like this.

Couldn't really blame them though. Dragons coming down on the backs of meteors seemed pretty insane. Kind of like the idea of a crazy guy with too much time on his hands.

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