Chapter 2

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The softness of the sheets and mattress felt heavenly. If I didn't have to wake up for the auction, I would have slept for much longer. But there was also the issue of standard human time. The inn manager probably wouldn't be happy if I slept in their room for a few days.

The dragon influence within me would have no issue rolling back over and closing my eyes...

I instead yawned and pulled myself out of bed. I pulled on my gear while in between doing my morning stretches. By the time I was ready, morning light was beginning to filter through the window curtains, giving light to the quiet room.

Glancing outside, it seemed to be moments before the sun rose into the sky. This was good. It also just clued to me in that I had yet to deliver that letter. It was still in one of my pockets. That was first on the agenda, after that I would just wait around for the auction to start.

I headed downstairs as quietly as I could on the creaky wooden stairs. The tavern area was mostly quiet. A single worker was cleaning up the mess from the previous night. They gave me a small nod as I passed by. I asked them quietly for directions to the town hall.

Once I had my answer, I left for the building.

I easily spotted it. It was made of stone brick and surrounded by a decorative black metal fence. Small hedges to create some privacy. It was an impressive late Victorian-style house. Whoever owned this place certainly had some money to spend.

A single tired guard stood at the entrance gate to the property. He quickly stood at attention. He must have recognized me.

"Good morning sir. I'm sorry to inform you, but the governor is not awake yet"

"Then wake him up, I got a written letter for him, and I ain't fuckin waiting out here like a salesman"

"B-But sir-


"Y-Yes Sir!" He stutters and hastily opens the gate. As he heads up the paved pathway, I follow him like a shadow. He unlocks the front door and steps inside, I step inside behind him before he can close the door. He looks at me fearfully for a few moments, unsure of what to do.

I gesture for him to hurry up and he gets the hint. It wasn't like he could throw me out anyway.

I watch him go upstairs and down a hallway. The building was quite large and fancy. A lot of old-world art was on the walls. Fancy-stained wood tables too. Wallpaper even. It was like a rich late Victorian house on the inside, just like the outside.

I heard hurried footsteps coming down the stairs. I look up to see a brunette-haired woman rushing down the stairs trying to make herself presentable. She notices me watching her in the small lobby area.

She sends a brief furious look at the guard behind her and he scrambles past me and out the door. Poor guy was probably going to get in trouble... Not my issue.

"Morning governor"

"Yes, good morning Hunter. Sorry for the rushed appearance. I didn't expect you to show up so early"

"And I apologize for waking up a lady so early in the morning. Had I known you weren't just another grey-haired balding man, I would have perhaps used better manners"

She laughed and relaxed.

"Many are mistaken when they first meet me. But I have a saying. It's better to be-

"Unexpected than expected"

She looks at me surprised. Then glances down a little flushed.

"You do remember me?"

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