Epilogue part 1

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-Are you nervous?- Lando told me while he was holding my hand.

-You know I'm always nervous when we come here.

Today we had an appointment with the doctor again. We would tell everyone that I was pregnant after she confirmed that everything was fine. I was five months pregnant now and I wasn't going to be able to hide it for long.

-Luna Norris?- called the doctor in the waiting room

It still gives me butterflies every time I hear that name.

-All good?- she asks when we enter the consultation- Have you felt anything that could worry us?

I shake my head. I've been taking things easy. I was going to take a year off from work so I could navigate the pregnancy and Lucas at the same time so all I've been doing this preseason is drool while seeing Lando train.

-Everything seems perfect. But you know... I don't want to get my hopes up either.- I give her a thin smile.

She pours the gel on my stomach. I had grown quite a bit in these last few weeks and I had already been able to feel the baby move but I wanted to be cautious.

-Well, you can rest easy because everything is going great- I release a breath I didn't even know I was holding. Everything was still fine- Do you want to know the sex of the baby?

The last consultation we had come to the baby was hiding a bit and we could not find out and the truth is that that relaxed me a lot. I don't care what it is, I just want them to be healthy, but I'm not going to lie and say that the thought of having another girl after Violet doesn't give me a little bit of anxiety.

-Yes we want- Lando said on my side noticing I was nervous and wouldnt answer.

He takes my hand and brings it to his lips. He mouthed an 'I love you' and I just looked into his eyes.

-So you have a very healthy baby girl- I see how Lando's expression changes instantly, to an expression of pure happiness- congratulations guys.

I nod and she gives us a sweet smile before leaving us some privacy.

-Another girl my moon- I blink back tears and manage to give Lando a smile.

I remember the words of the doctor 'a very healthy baby girl' that was all that matered.

-We'll have to think of names now, right?-I say. We had decided not to think of names until we knew the gender.

-I already have one. It has to be an L name of course.

-Why that?- I laugh.

-Well Lando, Luna, Lucas. I dont want her to feel left out.- he has a point.

-And which one did you think of?

-I liked Lia. If you don't like it we can think of another but...

-I loved it. Lia Norris. Has a nice ring to it.

 Has a nice ring to it

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