I'm still standing

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It had been a very bad month for Lando. The DNF in Monaco was added to not being able to win any of the next three races. The next race being his home race didn't help either.

We went directly from Austria to London to be able to spend the week with our parents.

- How do you see him darling? I'm worried that he's pushing himself too hard.- Lando's mom told me one afternoon when we were visiting.

-He is frustrated, the season started so well that we didn't even believe it. I'm sure this is just a rough patch and he will bounce back- I assure.

-Would you keep and eye on him? I dont want him to over do himself.- she said putting a hand on my arm

-I'm always keeping an eye on him dont worry.- I give her a small smile just as Lando entered the room.

-Keeping an eye on who?- he asked curious.

-On you. So you dont burn our kitchen again.- I answer playfuly.

-Are you going to tell that story to everyone?- he said annoyed

-Until I have a better one, yes.- I nod.

-And how are you guys doing?- Cisca asked.

-Pretty good actually right?- Lando said putting his arms around my middle and resting his chin on my head.

-Yeah, Therapy is helping and I think I have remembered practically all the essentials- I tell. I'm actually really proud of all the progress we've achieved in this couple of months - And I think we are in a really great place right now.

-So when's the wedding then?- she asked happily. I was just having a cup of tea and I almost choked on the question -Are you alright honey?

-Yep, never been better.- I manage to let out as Lando rubs my back. I give him a thumbs up assuring him that I'm fine.

-Mom I dont think now's the best time to plan a wedding. - he said side eyeing me.

-Right, the championship, you can guys always plan a summer wedding for next year.- she said

-Right.- I mumbled.

-Is Flo coming? I havent seen her in forever.- Lando asked changing the subject.

-Yeah! She will be here in a bit she told me she was running late.- Cisca said happily.

-Thank you.- I wispered so only Lando could be able to listen to me.

-No problem- he said with a plain expression.

I appreciated the change of subject. But that didn't make me feel any less guilty. It's not that I didn't want to marry Lando, I really did. It's just not in my plans right now. Lando still wears the ring around his neck every single day.

-Sorry about my mother by the way.- Lando said on the car on our way back to our London's flat.

-What about your mother?- I asked clueless. Cisca is a lovely woman.

-About the wedding.- Ah...that.

-Oh that? Yeah dont worry, I'm surprised we havent talked about it actually.- I say trying to shake it off.

-Do you want to talk about it?- he looked at me surprised.

-Well you still hadnt given me back the ring so...

-You want it back?- he said taking tge chain from his neck

-Are you proposing while driving home? Really?

-I already proposed once! I didnt have a plan B!- He said giving a frustrated blow to the steering wheel.

-Then dont, I dont need a ring to know I want to marry you!

Fading - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now