One and only

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-Put the hat on Lando.- I say giving him the cap.

-But I have such a nice hair day! I dont want to mess it up!- I crossed my arms giving him a glance.

-Lan what would be your mother's reaction if she found out we have a baby because of the press?

He thought about what I have said and comically opened his eyes widely. Putting the black cap immediately on his head.

-Have you bought the plane tickets by the way?- He said taking Lucas out of his crib.

-Yep, they arrive here tomorrow evening. Have you said anything to your family?

-I have told them that we needed them here, I have not told them anything else.

-Your mother is going to have a heart attack when she sees him.

-Of course, because he is the cutest. Right little one?-he said making a baby voice- As long as your father dont kill me I will be fine.

-My father loves you. Honestly I bet he cries more than your mother when we tell them.- I say picking up the car keys.

- Whoever loses has to do Lucas night feeding for a whole week.- he said with a raised eyebrow.

-Its on.

We stopped first at a baby store. We needed a new crib, a stroller, bottles...I think we needed one of everything.

He was carrying Lucas in his arms. The first thing we needed to buy was a baby carrier so we could take him with us everywhere. After all, a stroller in the paddock is not the best idea in the world.

-Do you need help with anything?- A girl came up to us.

Lando panicked a little when he thought that we had been recognized but he relaxed when he saw that it was just an employee. If she recognized us she didn't say anything and I'm thankful for that.

- Actually yes. We just adopted him and we're a little lost. - Lando says showing Lucas who is leaning on his hip.

-How wonderful! And how old is the little one?- The girl leans on her knees smiling at the little boy.

-Five months. Turns six in two weeks.- I told her.

-Okay follow me. We will get everything he needs.

After buying the essentials, she guided us to the baby clothes area and told us what the size would be for him before letting us buy calmly.

-Moon look!- he said turning around with a onesie in his hands. It was a Mclaren one.

-I didnt know they make those.

-Me neither- he said picking it up and putting it in the cart. It was going to cause a sensation when he enters the garage next week with this.

- Lets see if they have a Ferrari one too. Carlos and Charles will love it.- I told him. They did, and almost with every F1 team.

-I'm going to take this too- he said taking one with a car in it.

-And this too- he took then one with a hood to look like a teddy bear.

-Are you going to buy the whole store?- I ask. A while ago he had passed me Lucas so that I could take him and he could put everything he saw in the cart.

-And I plan to buy all the sizes so that he never outgrows them.- he said seriously.

-Do you think they will make golf clubs for babies?- he said going through the toy zone.

-Lando, you're not taking our son golfing.- I dont know what I would dread more, him getting him into golfing or getting him into karting.

-Why not?- he was seriously not seeing the problem here?

Fading - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now