Black and white

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-Do you remember when you asked me what I would do if I win?- he said against my mouth.

-Vaguely?- why is he talking about this now?

-Well I still dont know what I want to do once I win but I know what I want to do right now.

I raise an eyebrow and give him a half smile.

-What is that?

-I want to marry you, like inmediately, lets get married tomorrow.

I look into his eyes a bit surprised. Was he serious?

-Are you out of your mind?- he shakes his head.

-I have never been so sure of anything in my life.

He looks at me with a smile from ear to ear and gently caresses my cheeks with his thumbs. I knew exactly what my answer will be since he asked me.

-Next friday- I say finally.

He frowns, not quite knowing what this means.


-Let's get married next Friday- I sentence- Tomorrow nobody would have time to be there and we need our families, but Friday...yeah Friday in London, lets get married- I say this last with a smile just as big as his.

He doesn't waste a second in grabbing me by the waist and starting to spin me around. I hide my face in his neck laughing in his ear.

-We're getting married!- he shouted.

-You're getting what?- we turned and saw Carlos stunned.

-Congratulations world champion- I say playfuly hitting his shoulder.

-Forget about that!- he said- Lando why didnt you tell me! I now need to prepare a speech.

Seriously, he just won the championship, but is that all he's worried about?

-I haven't chosen you as best man yet.

-I will fight Max if he dares to take my place- Carlos says seriously crossing his arms.

-I want a video of that- I add.

-I need to tell the others!- he exclaimed-They cant go on winter break and miss it.

-Carlos you have a podium ceremony to get to!- I remind him.

It seems that this focuses him because an expression of realization fills his face.

-Oh right, the race- He turns to look for his press officer who was looking for him like crazy.

They did the podium ceremony and then gave Carlos his trophy. The Spanish driver looked at that trophy as if it were the only thing he has been waiting for in his life.

It's such a bittersweet feeling, watching one of your best friends live one of the best moments of his life, while one step below is the love of your life, who was just inches away from achieving it himself.

But the way Lando was coping was admirable. His smile did not leave his face through all the ceremony. Although it may be that having accepted his proposal has something to do with it.

 Although it may be that having accepted his proposal has something to do with it

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