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They have known eachother for years. They had it all, they had it all they said but why cant she remember it?

She forgot everything, for her, all their years together disapeared. Will they be able to be who they used to be?

But what exactly was what they had before? For her, the last 6 years didnt even exist. Will he be able to make her remember?

Everything was fine that morning. How can everything change in just a couple of seconds?

The person he had known, the person he loved is fading in front of his eyes. Will he convince her that their story is worth living twice?


Here it is!! I really wanted to create this story, I hope I can take advantage of everything I've learned by writing my first one so that this one is even better.

Every chapter will be named after a song. Some of them will have meaning, others will not. You can do whatever you want with that information.

As always, remind you that English is not my first language so there may be mistakes. I accept and appreciate any correction or suggestion.

Thank you also to all the people who read my other story and if you haven't done so, also thank you for giving me a chance with this one.

Enjoy the reading!!🥰

Fading - Lando NorrisUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum