When we were young

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-How about how do you know me?- I cross my arms across my chest. I feel a little nervous in this whole situation since everyone knows things that I don't know about.

-What is the last thing you remember about us?- he asked while sitting on the chair he was when I woke up.

-You are Flo's older brother- he nods at this, at least the little memories I have are not wrong- I tutored her during my senior year, I saw you a couple of times when I went to tutor her but we didn't go beyond greeting each other when you were home. You were compiting in some races so I didnt have to see you much.

-It was just before I got to F3- he said recalling the time- then you got to University, thats where I met you again.

-You left racing and got into Uni?- He looked at me strangely as if I had said the strangest thing in the world.

-What? Of course not, I'm on Formula 1 why would I have gotten into uni?- I shrug my shoulders and fall back on the bed.

-Maybe you found a new passion, who knows.

-You were my new passion- He said, as if this game was something normal between us. Was this our normal?

-To soon Norris- I rolled my eyes, Trying to keep a straight face and keep my cheeks from turning red.- Where were we?

-Oh! Right, Uni- Seems like he's got his train of thought back. - I had also moved out at that time with my friend Max, not the one who is in the waiting room right now, another Max- It's good to know the name of the blonde in the waiting room. -Apparently we moved to the same apartment complex, one night it must be that we were making a lot of noise. I don't remember what game we were playing but you came downstairs in your pajamas with your slippers and disheveled hair.

- A beautiful story from what I see- I tell him jokingly but he gets serious.

-We have a beautiful story Luna dont you doubt it, you will see, its the best love story you would ever listen to- It still seems strange to me to hear him talk about love like that.

-Anyway, you went downstairs and started knocking like crazy on the door, apparently you had an exam the next day and you couldn't sleep because of our noise. I recognized you instantly, it took you a little longer because you were still half asleep but it didn't take you long to start using my name so I guess you remembered.

-It seems like something I would do- I tell him- And how did we go from yelling at each other on the corridor to falling in love?

-There is still a lot of time left for that Moon, calm down, we spent a lot of time until we gave our thing a chance.- Smile remembering those first moments in our relationship.

-So, it wasnt love at first sight?

-Oh no, on my part it definitely was love at first sight , on your part it was all a little more difficult, You didn't see yourself ready for a relationship, and Max and I became like your brothers away from home.- It still seems strange to me how he talks about people as if he knew them. Although I guess from what he's telling me I do know him.- At one point your roommate dumped you and since you couldn't pay the rent by yourself we offered you to live in our spare room.

-And I went from not knowing who you were to living with you in what, a year?- I have never been one to gain confidence with people, it has always been difficult for me to let myself go and don't overthing.

-Pretty much, yeah- said like nothing- after another year compleately smittened by you, I finally gathered the courage to ask you out.

-You waited two years since I apeared ln your door to ask me out?- I always thought he would be a guy who could get any girl he wanted, I didn't imagine him behind someone for so long.

- And I would have waited many more if they would had been necessary. You weren't ready and I was traveling a lot at the time, it wasn't our moment, but it did came- Just when he said that someone entered the room, it was a nurse who looked  surprised by what he was there.

-Visiting hours are over, you cant be here right now- Lando looked at the watch on his wrist and I saw him realize that the nurse was right.- resting will also do you well you've been here all day Mr Norris.

-Call me Lando please, and you're right, it's time for me to go- he started gathering his things approaching the door.

-Wait!- I stop him before he can reach it- You will come tomorrow right?- I don't know why now I feel insecure that he's running away from this and not coming back, that everything he's told me was a lie.

-Of course I will come back, I will always come back to you- That reassures me, I still don't know what has happened in recent years but having someone who has lived through it with me may be the key.

The key to remember everything. Or, in the worse case scenario, the key to teach me who I was before all this.

Lando's POV

I spoke with the doctor before I left and he confirmed that Luna would surely be discharged tomorrow. Apart from the memory loss, she does not have serious internal damage and they believe that being in a familiar environment will do her good.

I put the key in the door and when I open it the whole house was exactly as we had left it, but it feelt different. I turn on the light trying not to make noise and disturve the neighbours, my parents had stopped by to pick up a couple of things before going to their hotel but it didn't seem like they had touched anything. She was what was missing so that this would feel like home, like our home again.

All I see when I look at this house are memories of us, memories she no longer remembers.

Should I remove the photos from the walls? We had photos of all our important moments, with our friends and family during these years. She always liked having everything documented, keeping a little piece of that moment. Maybe, if we try hard enough, those little pieces will fill in the gaps in her memory, maybe she will get back what she've lost.

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