Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

The Wings of Freedom flag flew high, a light breeze carrying the banner over HQ with a sense of pride. The stone buildings of our military establishment slowly came into view as we rode up the dusty trail. I smiled up at the small but fulfilling sentiment of the blue, white, and grey emblem. To others, it may be just another design they wore on their uniforms, a staple of another military designation. But to me, it was literally something that I've learned to call home. A saving grace. I finally belonged to something that mattered.

"Finally..." I praised, relieved that Levi and I were finally back from our long journey. I was so exhausted that I was ready to fall off Dakota. Thankfully, she kept me saddled. "You're hopeless." Levi groaned at me, rolling his eyes. "Whatever, sir." I dismissed him. I was tired, I was hungry, and I wanted to take a proper shower and a nap. But I had a good feeling that wasn't going to happen now that we got back to HQ.

Being back meant that we, yes we, had reports that needed writing. Informing a fallen soldier's family of their passing, especially on the battlefield, meant that paperwork was included, which made sense. And Levi being the person he was, wasn't going to let me slide for the way I acted that morning. So of course I was gonna be stuck writing my statement about how the visitation with the family went. Levi was the kind of officer that didn't like to let paperwork sit and wait. As soon documents needed writing and signing, he immediately got to doing it.

We got to the stables, earning many weird stares along the way probably since Levi only really traveled with the Big Three (the Commander, Hange, and Mike) or his specific squad. I was still a new face among the elite and not really a staple. So it was a normal reaction for people to do a double-take when they saw me hanging out with the elite squads like I had always been there. I had hoped that the reaction would stop soon though. I hated the recognition.

Just outside the stables, we dismounted our steeds and led them inside the cool shade of the building. "Good job, Dakota." I cooed as I removed the gear from her back. I gave her oats and plenty of water, as well as the attention I knew she craved.

"Lewis," Levi called from the walkway. "Hmmm?" I hummed, looking up to Levi. "You have three hours to shower up and meet me at the office. We gotta get the reports done and on Erwin's desk. Don't be late." he advised. "You got it, sir." I replied with a nod. "And I'm stressing this: don't be late. The sooner we're done with paperwork, the sooner we can go to sleep. I'm tired and we have an early morning tomorrow. Don't think you're off the hook for this morning, Princess." Levi advised. I blushed heavily at the memory before smiling sheepishly with a chuckle. Ignoring my reaction, he walked away. "I'm a dead woman." I muttered to myself.

After tending to Dakota and giving her all the attention she wanted, I returned to my room and did all the necessary hygiene and upkeep needs. By this time, it was already late afternoon and time to meet up with Levi. Grabbing a few field rations, I left my room and made my way towards HQ. Scouts were making their way towards the chow hall for the evening meal with their squads. My mouth watered at the thought of a hot meal. My tastebuds reminisced at the thought of the previous night's dinner. The meat was tender and delectable, as was the rest of the course. I was still in shock that the inn had actually served Levi and I actual meat.

Nibbling on a piece of stale bread in bittersweet bliss, I entered the stone building and made my way through the empty halls towards the Commander's office. Levi and Erwin both shared an office to my understanding. I guess it was a way for them to have constant communication with each other. Levi seemed to be weary of Erwin's safety and security. I wondered why Levi wasn't Erwin's designated Guardian Angel at this point. But seeing as Levi was the strongest of the Scouts, as declared by Erwin, I guess his talents would be wasted being chained at the Commander's hip in Titan territory. And being a strong soldier himself, the Commander could take proper care of himself that he wouldn't need such a strong bodyguard to protect him.

Whispers & Wildflowers {Levi Ackerman} {AoT/SnK} ~Book One~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora