Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven
Custody Agreement

As I walked towards the office door, Levi grabbed my arm. "Wait outside. I want to talk to you." he muttered into my ear. His hot breath tickled the skin of my earlobe while the smoothness of his deep voice caressed the inner workings of my eardrum. I was a little taken aback by how this stubborn man had such an effect on me, from pissing me off one moment to making me speechless the next. But either way, I guess Levi was known for having that power over people. And since I was stuck with being his punching bag, for lack of a better term, for the next few months, I was gonna have to get used to it. And I had no one to blame but myself.

Levi released his grip on my upper arm, allowing me to go free. I excused myself from the leadership's presence and waited outside in the hall. Only a few of the brass passed by, mainly a few captains and lieutenants who were coming in to give the commander their final tally of their casualty list. And by their saddened faces, it wasn't good. I knew from our dwindling numbers from that afternoon compared to that morning's first ride how many were missing. But I had hoped that maybe, just maybe, I had imagined it. That I was just tired from the long ride and from fighting. That we had maybe just lost a few soldiers and the number of dead weren't that many after all. But I was being childish. We were in a time of war. And war equals dead. And in this war, we were on the losing side.

After about an hour of waiting, Levi finally exited Erwin's office. "I'm surprised you waited. It's late. I'd thought you would have ditched me by now." he said as he saw me in the dim torch flame. "You told me to wait. I knew if I would have left, you'd probably go find me in my bunk and start your training sessions early." I said as he approached. "You learn quickly. Maybe my training with you won't be so bad." he commented. "Let's go." We walked down the hall from which we had originally came. "You did good in there, I'll admit. You stuck to your gut. Annoying though. That whole hero-esque speech you gave. But it worked." Levi said. "I didn't mean to come off like that. But every word I said was the truth." I replied with a huff.

"Yeah? And when did you become so noble in action? Where was all this pride the past few years when you were in the warehouse? We could have used you back then. Maybe we wouldn't have carted home so many bodies." Levi criticized. I remained silent. "Well? Aren't you gonna answer my question?" he asked. "I have my reasons." I finally replied. Honestly, I was hoping to stay in the dark...Between my husband and father, if they find out about any of this, there goes my way of life. I'll be sent back to the interior of Wall Sina. I'll be stuck living with him. I can't do it...Not again...I won't make it out this time...Is it wrong of me to think so selfish? "Tch. Fine. Keep your reasons. It doesn't matter anyway." Levi uttered. Silence.

"So, Erwin said both your mother and brother were once a part of the Scout Regiment as well. Hard to believe that little detail was kept a secret as well. Kinda hard to believe we have folks from deep within Wall Sina just serving in the Survey Corps like it's not a big deal." Levi commented. My breath seemed to halt at the mention of their existence. "Because it's not." I quickly defended. "We're just ordinary people. What's so hard to believe about nobility wanting to serve and protect the walls and its people?" I questioned. "Only time the rich want to get involved in war is when it comes to money. Tell me: isn't that how your family became one of the richest estates in Wall Sina?" Levi interrogated.

"I don't know what you're trying to get at, sir. But if you're trying to insinuate that I enjoy making money off fallen heroes, you're sorely mistaken." I bit back, quickening my pace. The nerve of this guy! "Who were your mother and brother, Lewis? I don't think I knew them personally." Levi asked, matching my stride. "I don't want to talk about them." I said bluntly. "Why not? As your superior, it's important information to know. Whether either of us like it or not, you're considered one of my scouts. And I need to know as much information about you as I can." Levi argued. I glared at the captain, biting my lip. "It was your decision to put me on your squad for training purposes, not mine! As far as I'm concerned, I don't have to disclose any personal information to you!" "But you do need to follow orders, Cadet!"

Whispers & Wildflowers {Levi Ackerman} {AoT/SnK} ~Book One~Where stories live. Discover now