Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Before dawn that morning, I was dressed in full gear at the training field as Captain Levi ordered. I was exhausted and cranky, having not fallen asleep 'til well after one a.m. How the hell does Levi manage? Seeing his constant eye bags, he's always looking tired. But he's always on the go. How does he do it? When I arrived, the Captain was already waiting for me. He was sitting on a tree stump, shifting through some paperwork he had brought with him while sipping on some piping hot tea. This man really loves his tea...

"Good. You're early. I'm impressed. You're catching on." he said, not looking up from the paper documents. "Well, I really didn't want to make our four a.m. meetings a habit." I jested, but we both knew I was being serious. I hated being up at this time, especially since neither of us hadn't had a good night sleep in the past few days. When I entered the light from the lantern, his eyes finally turned up to me. Levi looked downright weary. Almost sickly. Does this guy ever sleep?

"Sir, have you even slept?" I asked before even realizing the question left my lips. I wanted to smack myself across the face. That's none of your business, stupid. Levi's eyebrow lifted in suspicion, probably surprised at my sudden interest in his sleeping patterns. "That's an odd question to ask your captain, Lewis." Levi replied, straightening his back and leaning up from his hunched over position. I looked away, a little embarrassed that I was caught being even a little concerned about his wellbeing. "It's just..." I began. "I've noticed you've been looking tired, sir. That's all. You don't seem to be sleeping." "Tch," Levi huffed. "If you haven't noticed, Lewis, a lot of the leadership here doesn't sleep, especially before and after an expedition. And now since I'm here disciplining you, it's one more task I'm having to add to my plate." he irritably explained.

"Look, if you're lack of sleep is so bothersome, let's reschedule for a different time." I offered, hoping he would take me up on my offer. "Nice try, Princess. You're not getting off that easy. You owe me, remember?" countered Levi, standing up. "Besides, I'm used to having minimal sleep. You're not. As an elite soldier, it's something you're gonna have to adapt to. So I suggest you start finding ways to stay awake."

I sighed, but nodded. I was only trying to be nice... "Anyway, let's get started. Come on." Levi ushered as he started walking towards the agility course. I followed. "When's the last time you did the course?" Levi asked. "A few months back, sir. When Hilton conducted our yearly review." I replied. "And? How did you do?" he asked. "Fair. I completed the course in ten minutes." I answered. "Tch, pitiful." Levi countered. "What? The average Scout takes twenty minutes to get it done!" I argued. "You're not on an average Scout team." Levi reminded me as he looked over. "You're in an elite squad now. Both Hange's and my squad's members can complete the course in less than five minutes. For you, I want it done in less than three by the time I'm done with you. Is that understood?"

I was taken aback. Why were his standards and expectations so much higher for me? And his punishments seemingly so much more severe? What did I ever do to him? "Understood, sir." I gave in. "Good. Let's get things perfectly clear, Lewis. I'm not here to be your friend. I'm here to be your captain and mentor. You show great potential and promise. But it's wasted if you can't buckle down and fall in line with the rest of us. None of us are special. In the end, we're all replaceable. Sure, there's a few of us who can help turn the tide against the Titans. But there will always be someone who outperforms and outshines us. So don't get too comfortable. Don't get complacent. That gets people killed."

When we approached the starting line, the sun began rising. Everything became just a little more clearer. I stayed quiet and reclusive. I was already tired from lack of sleep and from the recent expedition. But Levi and his power trip was adding more stress on my shoulders than he was probably realizing. I just wanted the morning to be over so I could go back to my room and go back to bed. Levi looked over and sighed. "I'm not trying to treat you like a child." Levi awkwardly admitted to me. "Hmmm?" I grunted. Why is he trying to explain himself? He doesn't seem like the kind of guy to want to, much less "need" to...

Whispers & Wildflowers {Levi Ackerman} {AoT/SnK} ~Book One~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora