Chapter Six

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Chapter Six
Promises of War

Both the Commander and Levi looked more than displeased as I rode up. I prepared myself for the worst possible outcome, knowing I was probably gonna receive more than just a slap on the wrist or a scolding. I began to go over counterarguments in my head, thinking of ways to bullshit my way out of receiving an insubordination check on my military record. It was one thing to get a talking-to while on an expedition. But a completely different story if you get an insubordination ruling while out in the field. I didn't need the Premier Zachary breathing down my neck. My father and husband would definitely hear about my little adventure outside the walls for sure if Zachary got involved.

"Lewis, we need to talk." Commander Erwin spoke when I was within earshot. I dismounted Dakota and gave her a comforting pat, mostly to calm my own nerves rather than her own. "Lewis." Commander Erwin called when I didn't turn to face him. I took a deep sigh of preparation before turning to him and Levi. "Sir, let me start by saying that I know what I did was-" I began to plea before Erwin rose his hand up to silence me. "You did what you thought was necessary. And those troops owe you their lives." Erwin replied. I blinked a few times, registering his words to ensure I heard him correctly.

"However," he continued. "The recklessness that you showed not only for yourself, but for the supplies you were in charge of only conveys that you have much to learn. You said yourself that there are certain objectives-" Erwin's eyes hovered to Levi, knowing that the captain did not know of the details of my contract, only that it existed, and he didn't intend to disclose the contents of said contract at that point in time. "That you needed to hold yourself accountable to. But your actions here today displayed a different story. You blindly put yourself at risk, attempting to take on more than your fair share of Titans when you had never been outside the walls before, let alone seen a Titan. Not to mention if the wagon you were in charge of had been damaged beyond repair, we would have lost all that gear, which in turn would have put soldiers at risk if we needed the supplies. We only bring what we need on expeditions, and we have several hundred soldiers accompany us on these missions. We need enough gear to supply us all."

"I know, sir. And I agree with you. But in that moment of the battle, my thoughts weren't on the what-ifs. My thoughts were on my comrades and the need to protect them in that moment. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do anything to tip the balance, but I had to try." I responded. "So, you took a gamble and ran with it?" Levi asked. "When faced with danger and adversity head on, I live in the here and now, not in the past or future. I needed to save those soldiers. And I don't regret my decision. How could I knowing that what I was able to do saved someone? In the end however, I still felt like I hesitated. So, if you're going to discipline me for my actions, that's fine. I'll take my punishment and view it as a lesson learned for the mistakes I did make. I did what I came out to do today, and that was to ensure I was able to save who I could. I'll mourn those who were lost later at a more convenient time."

Erwin smiled. "Levi, your thoughts?" he asked, looking down at the captain. "Tch, spoken like a Scout, even if you are a pain in the ass." Levi huffed, earning a sour look from me. "To be perfectly honest, I'm not impressed." Levi continued. "She did do surprisingly well when she went head-on with the Titans, after the initial shock made it seem like she shit herself. Not many first-time goers can say that. But she did do some pretty stupid things too. However, I can't ignore the fact she does have six solo kills on her own, including an Abnormal. Oruo from my squad has six solo kills as well, and he's been with my squad for quite some time now. Not to mention she did manage to operate her ODM gear with only one working grappling hook, which by the way Lewis, you still need that squared away. Get on it before we get back in formation. You should have already handled that by now." Levi pointed to my right side, noticing that I had yet to switch out my damaged ODM gear for a new set.

Whispers & Wildflowers {Levi Ackerman} {AoT/SnK} ~Book One~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora