Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

"Lewis." The captain had caught up with me and matched my pace. "What was that about?" he asked. "Nothing." I responded. "You're a crappy liar." he said. "Just leave it. Where's Section Commander Hange?" I asked, quickly changing the subject to avoid yet another argument with the captain. "Wasn't she the one who was supposed to pick me up?" "She got tied up with the commander. She asked if I could come get you." Levi replied. "You're welcome." "For?" I asked, finally looking at him. "For saving your ass back there. Didn't look like you were gonna put up much of a fight against that asshole and his goons." Levi replied. "I was doing just fine, thank you sir." I bit back. "You know, you need to learn how to accept help and show some gratitude. That would carry you a long way. Stubbornness and pride never got anyone very far." Levi lectured. I bit my tongue and remained silent the rest of the walk towards the ceremony hall.

When we arrived, all four squads, including the commander's main circle were present. "Don't you tidy up nicely, Levi!" Hange exclaimed as she waltzed over. She was shined to perfection. Even her usual untidy updo was neatly done. "Shut it, Four-Eyes." Levi huffed. He was definitely in one of his moods. He had the usual dark undereye circles and grouchy demeanor, so I assumed he didn't get much sleep. And I'm sure having to break up my fight didn't put him in much of a cheerful mood either. "I picked up your package. You're welcome." he said with a roll of his eyes as he walked towards his squad who were stationed just a few feet away. I rolled my eyes at his reference to me as a 'package'. What an asshole...

"Thank you!" Hange beamed as she cheerfully came to me. "You look great! You always look polished in your uniform, but you look absolutely perfect in the dress uniform!" she complimented. "Thank you, Section Commander. I try my best." I sheepishly said with a grateful smile. "Nonsense! You always seem to glow in uniform!" bragged Hange with a chuckle. Now she's just being silly. Probably trying to cheer me up. At least she's kind.

"Abigail." Erwin greeted as he walked over. "Good morning, Commander." I addressed, my nerves getting the best of my tone, causing my voice to crack. It was hard for me to get used to seeing him on a daily now, but I knew I would have to get used to it. Being a part of Hange's and Levi's squads, they were in constant communication with the commander. So I needed to get over my stage fright with the man. "Don't be anxious, cadet. You've seen these ceremonies take place before numerous times, unfortunately. It'll be quick." assured Erwin with a smile. I nodded, thankful for his encouragement.

"Abigail, let me introduce you to the squad. It'll do you some good to recognize their faces." Hange said as she placed her hand at the small of my back, guiding me over to her team. I was introduced to Moblit, Nifa, Abel, Harold, Rashad, Lauda, and Keiji. They all welcomed me with smiles and warm hellos. That was a greeting I hadn't expected but was grateful for. They were all veterans of the Scout Regiment and were happy to accept me onto their squad. Whether their happiness was genuine or forced upon them by Hange and the Commander, I wasn't sure. But as long as no trouble arose from my presence, I was content. I just didn't want to cause any distress with my ongoing company on the team.

"We're lining up." Miche said, walking up behind Hange and placing a hand on her shoulder. "Right." she replied with a nod of her head. "Abigail, due to your circumstances and you not wanting to be spotted out, you can stand in the middle of the group. It'll help you blend in more." Hange said. "You can stand behind Nifa and Lauda. That should give you enough cover." "Yes, ma'am. Thank you." As directed, we began to form up and walk into the ceremony hall. The mass number of Scouts and their respective leadership had already been seated around the makeshift stage. It was a shock to me how many soldiers still remained after all this time. How did the commander get more soldiers to enlist in the Scouts with so little victories?

Whispers & Wildflowers {Levi Ackerman} {AoT/SnK} ~Book One~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora