The News

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Hannah, Julianna, and Charlotte were all sitting at the front of the school waiting for Mason to pick them up. Mason always takes forever because he spends all of his last period making out with his flavor of the week.

"What is taking Mason so long?" Julianna complains.

"Calm down Jules you know he's probably making out with some random freshman," Hannah says. Hannah had always thought that Mason was attractive but she's starting to think that maybe there is more to it. It seems to always bother her that he is with all these girls.

Just as Charlotte was about to say something Mason slammed on the breaks right in front of them.

"Get in losers," Mason says.

They all roll their eyes and get in his car. Hannah was in the passenger seat and Charlotte and Julianna were in the back row.

When Hannah gets in the passenger seat she looks at Mason and sees his lips are all puffy and he has a new hickey on his neck. She rolls her eyes at this and turns up the radio.

As Hannah was humming to the music she felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket. She pulls out her phone and sees who is calling her. It is her mom. Oh shit. She turns down the radio and tells her friends, "Be quiet my mom is calling." Once everyone nodded in response she answered the call.

"Hello?" Hannah says into her phone.

"Hannah something has happened and you need to go to the lawyer's office." Hannah's mom says. Hannah just furrows her eyebrows at this.

"Ok, Mom I'll be there soon. I'll tell Mason to drive me there." Hannah replies.

"What did I say about hanging out with Mason that boy is bad n-" Hannah's mom starts to say when Hannah hangs up the phone cutting off her mom.

Once Hannah hung up she looked over at Mason who definitely heard the whole conversation. "Can you drive me to Mr. Lonner's office?" Hannah asks Mason.

"Of course, anything for you, Hannah," Mason replies with his stupid smirk.

"Oh shut up," Hannah says.

"Is everything okay?" Charlotte asks.

"I don't know my mom didn't tell me anything. I guess we'll find out soon." Hannah says letting out a sigh.

After passing roads upon roads Hannah couldn't help but worry about what was going on. She hasn't been at the Mr. Lonners office since her parents divorce.

After driving for what felt like forever Hannah finally arrived at Mr. Lonner's office.

As Hannah is getting out of the car she says, "Thanks for the ride, Mason. Bye, guys."

"Bye!" They all say in unison.

She entered her lawyer's office and started to relive her parents' divorce back from Freshman year. She shook off those memories when she entered Mr. Lonner's office. When she walked in she saw Mr. Lonner sitting in his office chair and her mom in the seat across. She sat down in the empty seat next to her mom and waited for someone to say something to her.

"Hello Miss Sterner, thank you for coming here." He says as he holds out his arm for her to shake. She shakes his hand and readjusts in her seat. "Now you may be wondering why you are here. First I want to give my condolences for your late uncle." Hannah furrowed her eyebrows at this. What late uncle? The lawyer just continued, "Apparently he was very fond of you because he left you his property in Lakewood." Hannah widened her eyes in shock.

"And which uncle is this?" Hannah questions.

"Your uncle Terry." The lawyer replies.

"Right, Uncle Terry. I'm sure going to miss him." Hannah says acting like she knows who that is.

"In his will, it says that if something were to happen to him he would give his property on Lakewood to Hannah Laura Sterner. His property includes a 6 bedroom 4 bathroom lake house, a small yacht, and 2 acres of land."

"You're joking right?" Hannah asked. There is no way this was happening.

"Nope, I am completely serious. All the expenses are paid for all you have to do is sign some paperwork and it is all yours." Mr. Lonner replies.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much," Hannah says shaking his hand.

"Of course, it was a pleasure doing business with you Miss Sterner."

"Have a good day." Hannah's mom says as they walk out of the office.

Hannah signed all of the paperwork and suddenly she owned a lake house, a yacht, and two acres of land at the age of 17. Wow, could life get any better for her?

She was eager to tell her friends but she wanted to tell them in person, especially since tomorrow is their last day of the school year.

She opened up the group chat with all her friends to let everyone know that everything was okay.

Hannah: Hey guys just wanted to let you guys know that everything went well today at my lawyer's. I'll let you guys know the news tomorrow at lunch.

Charlotte: I'm glad everything is okay.

Julianna: Hannah you know I'm impatient I can't wait until tomorrow.

Hannah: Well you are just going to have to be patient Jules.

Julianna: 🙄🙄

Mason: Did you win a million dollars?

Hannah: Nope even better.

Mason: What's better than money?

Hannah: A lot of things.

Shawn: What did I miss?

Hannah: Nothing really. I had to go to my lawyer's office today. I'm going to tell everyone the news tomorrow at lunch.

Shawn: Okay this better be good news because I'm not going to able to sleep tonight because of this.

Hannah: I promise it is worth it.

Hannah wasn't able to sleep. She tossed and turned in her bed but she couldn't fall asleep. She sighed in defeat and got up out of bed. She pulled up her hair and took some melatonin. As she was drinking her water she turned her head and looked out her window to see Mason shirtless. She stared for a long minute until his head started to turn in her direction. She hurried up and jumped back into bed. Wow, could this day get any better; Hannah thought.

Untold Secrets of a Teenage Summerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें