chapter 30: restoration

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Months go by as Cybertron and hell were being rebuilt and demons still talk about the Decepticon attack as Alastor gives announcements on the radio about the progress of hell.

Alastor: months after the attack and everyone still talks about the Decepticons and the war but today we will have the rebuilding of something that hell lost centuries ago.

With I.M.P Stolas and Octavia were officially hired and Blitz made his clients have to wait due to the unveiling ceremony. Everyone in hell was preparing for the ceremony so much that demons from other rings came to see it.

On Cybertron

After all life was restored on Cybertron everyone on Cybertron was preparing for the rebuilding of the hell bridge.

Caddy: can't believe we restored the demon Cybertronian alliance after it was broken centuries ago.

Bumblebee: Caddy, I'm really nervous about meeting your dad.

Caddy: Bumblebee, stop freaking out once he gets to know you he'll be waiting for us to get married.

Wheelie: can you two shut up, it's almost time for the grand unveiling!

Back in hell everyone was standing in front of the Morningstar's waiting for the unveiling, Lucifer decided to let Charlie give the big speech.

Charlie: centuries ago my parents met an alien race, well more specifically autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron and they created an alliance and our kind was at peace with them until Stella goetia's father completely destroyed it. But centuries later after the war for Cybertron I.M.P met team prime and became a family and restored the demon Cybertronian alliance so we should really thank them for the reason we're all here.

Everyone applaud I.M.P giving them grace and approval from the people of hell.

Charlie: if you're wondering where their fourth member Caddy is? She was half Cybertronian, a techno-organic but through the final battle the cyber-matter of the Omega lock turned her into what she was destined to be... A full Cybertronian. Now here we are finally re-opening the hell bridge.

Lucifer gave her the key to her hotel and pressed the eye on it, after he pressed it the key transformed back into it's original form the key to the hell bridge. Once she used it to re-activate the hell bridge every member of them prime came through. Everyone in the crowd cheered and applaud at the sight.

Millie: Bulkhead, Wheeljack thank Satan you're here I wanted you guys to tell my parents how I'm an honorary wrecker!

Bulkhead: well it's an honor.

Wheeljack: forget that. Let's meet the two imps who made this imp wrecker!

Caddy's dad Jango was wondering where Caddy was until Caddy immediately ran to him and grabbed and hugged him.

Caddy: missed you dad.

Jango: missed you too. I just never saw the day you'd become a full Cybertronian. Anyways your ex is calling, seeing if he could ask to date you again.

Caddy: Oh, so now he wants to date me now that I'm the first hellborn Cybertronian. Tell him No I'm already dating someone.

Jango: who?

Bumblebee walked to Caddy and Jango and Caddy hugged him and lifted him up and started spinning once they stopped spinning Caddy put him back down and kissed the side of his faceplate and held his hand.

Everyone was reconnecting while Optimus walked towards Charlie who was staring at the restoration of the demon Cybertronian alliance.

Optimus prime: Charlie, thank you for restoring the demon Cybertronian alliance and redeeming Megatron.

Charlie: thank you for believing in me.

Optimus prime: *voiceover* our races reunited by a history long forgotten and a future we shall face together. I am Optimus prime and I send this message so that our pasts will always be remembered. For I'm those memories we live on.

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