chapter 6: Ratchet vs goetia magic

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(Inspired by the rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles episode Donnie vs witch town I figured that Ratchet would hate the ars goetia magic)

Everything was normal at the base Ratchet was preparing to teach more about Cybertron to the kids and I.M.P and Octavia, he walked over to the kids but stopped once he saw they were all talking to Stolas who was talking about the goetia family history

Ratchet: what are you doing?

Felicity: learning about goetia magic because of Stolas.

Ratchet has always been a little bit mad whenever everyone talked about Stolas's grimoire and goetia powers, he kept trying to convince everyone that cybertronian science was better than the ars goetia magic.

Stolas: anyways I originally was giving Octavia more lessons on the grimoire spells and I ...

Ratchet: well can that wait? Because I was about to teach Octavia and Loona to read Cybertronian language!

Stolas: that can wait. After Octavia is finished with this lesson then you can teach her to read Cybertronian language Ratchet!

Octavia: don't be a jerk ratchet. Plus it could help with the way the computer has been acting up today.

Ratchet: what!? You're using goetia magic to deal with computers! Why not as me? The master of the Cybertron technology.

Everyone made the not this again again face because Ratchet always goes on a huge rant on how the Cybertronian technology is better than ars goetia magic.

Felicity: you want the reasons in chronological order *pulls out phone* or epicness of fail order?

As Felicity said that she showed pictures of Ratchet accidentally causing accidents while using his Cybertron science on demonic problems that Stolas can easily fix.

Ratchet: that could be some other Cybertronian medical officer.

Circuitjack: plus Stolas using his grimoire has been a lot more helpful than science. For crying out loud he got rid of the synth en side effects in five seconds, meanwhile it took you almost months.

Arcee: plus Stolas's powers using his grimoire could probably help with beating the Decepticons.

Ratchet: nothing could beat the Decepticons more than my knowledge of Cybertronian science.

Caddy: let it go Ratchet, just let it go.

Optimus prime: we have to hide the fact they are demons old friend *puts hand on Ratchets shoulder* wouldn't it be equal if Stolas told us more about hell's hierarchy.

Ratchet: well, maybe Stolas should learn more about Cybertron!?

One hour later

Stolas had to move his lesson with Octavia to the middle of the desert while the kids are at the base, except for Felicity she went with them to see if Ratchet would cause a train wreck trying to prove that cybertronian science is better than goetia magic.

Everyone watched as Stolas was teaching Octavia some spells in his grimoire being completely amazed except for Ratchet still trying to prove that science.

Ratchet: hate to disagree, oh who am I kidding love to disagree So to reiterate not a fan of demon magic.

Smokescreen: okay Ratchet if you are going to tag along on this whole thing can you just for once be a little bit more open-minded.

Ratchet: hmmm what was that? I was busy trying to convincing everyone that people should know more about Cybertron.

After Ratchet said that Octavia and her father Stolas both casted a spell to make an illusion of dancing cats.

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