Chapter 14 Neverland

Start from the beginning

     "Thank you so much, Sir!" I joyfully replied.

     "No problem!" replied the jolly old man. "Glad I could help! Oh, and one more thing I forgot to mention. To get back from Neverland, all you must do is call on Pan's shadow again, and it will take you back where you originally came from."

     We nodded with appreciation. "Now, we'd like to buy some bread," I said. And we followed the baker into his shop and bought three loaves.

     After we bought some bread, we left the market. As we were walking back to Rumpelstiltskin's fortress, we discussed if we were really going to go to Neverland and that if we did decide to go, then when we would. I knew if we did go, we might end up staying for quite a while, and I didn't want Snow and the dwarfs to wonder if we ran off without saying goodbye. We wanted to keep this secret from Rumpelstiltskin, and as much as I thought about telling the plan to our friends, I was unsure since Rumpelstiltskin might somehow force the secret out of them, and I didn't want him to harm them if he found out they were in on it. It was all a lot to take into consideration.

     After we arrived at the fortress, we told Belle that we had learned about Neverland and that we had plans to go there. We asked her to keep it secret, and she promised to, then we asked her for help to look up information about Neverland.

     "I'll be more than happy to help you search in the library," said Belle. Then we followed her to Rumpelstiltskin's enormous library. It was actually the first time we had been in it.

     I wonder if Rumpelstiltskin ever reads, I thought to myself.

     We began our search with Belle, and soon she uncovered a thick, old book all about Neverland. "Here we are," she said, setting it down onto a small table. She flipped through the delicate leaves and stopped at a page about Neverland's magical bean trees. Then she began reading, "The beans are grown in pods on Neverland's rare, magical trees in the Neverland Forest." Then she pointed to a drawing of the tree itself, and we studied it closely. Unfortunately, we didn't find any maps to any of the trees though. I ripped out the page with the details about the tree and the image of it then stuffed it into my pocket. After we were finished looking at the book, Belle placed it back onto the shelf and started looking for more books about Neverland, but she found none other. We thanked her and she replied, "I'm glad I could be of help. So, when do you two plan to leave for Neverland?"

     "We were thinking about tonight," I replied.

     "Wow, that soon?" Belle responded. "Well, I wish you two best of luck and safe travels. I can't wait to hear of your big adventures."

     That night when Kaylee and I were in our bedroom, we packed, and Belle snuck us food to bring. I kept feeling very excited yet anxious, and my nerves were out of control. After we were all set, I opened up the small window in our room, then we called Peter Pan's name and anxiously waited with anticipation. I was also nervous Rumpelstiltskin would hear. A minute later, suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew into our room, then next thing, a shadow figure of a man appeared and approached us, stretching out its shadowy hand to us. I was dumbfounded since it was very freaky to see an actual shadow of a figure that was physical, and by Kaylee's expression, she looked freaked out. This all seemed so unreal and hard to believe, but the baker was right, it was real. We bravely grabbed hold of the shadow's hand and immediately started to levitate off the ground. Then instantly, we screamed when we were jerked out of the window and up into the starry night sky. My feet tingled how they always felt when I was terrified and excited. We clung on extremely tightly since we were going super-fast, and the wind buffeted our hair. Our screams turned into squealing and joyous laughter because it felt so fun and amazing to fly through the night sky, and I couldn't stop smiling.

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