"Not with a powerful sword," Kaylee said.

     "Are you telling me you have found the legendary sword of Nayu?" he questioned with shock.

     "Yeah, so?" Kaylee retorted with a proud shrug.

     "How?" exclaimed Rumpelstiltskin with astonishment. "Who told you about it? Where did you find it?"

     "Why does it matter?" Kaylee retorted.

     "Because no one has ever been able to trace it down, not even myself," he replied. "But I suppose it should not be so surprising that you two were able to find it with the pure hearts you have. It had actually been prophesied long ago that two pure hearts would procure it, and that must mean you two were the destined ones." Rumpelstiltskin grinned, looking very thrilled. "Congratulations! Now, how about if you give the sword to me, then we can call it even."

     No way! I thought. I can't believe we were actually the ones destined to find it. Wow! Kaylee was also shocked by her expression. I was not going to give up the sword to Rumpelstiltskin that easily.

     "We aren't giving it to you," I replied, crossing my arms.

     "How about I offer you more in return," he urged. "Anything you want."

     "Okay, then rip up the contract and free us from it," I said.

     "Sorry, but that I cannot do," he replied.

     "Then I guess there's no deal," I retorted.

     "But I can offer you so much," he pressed. "Won't you reconsider?"

     "Sorry, but no," I retorted.

     "Suit yourselves, but I'd reconsider if I were you," he replied. Then he disappeared.

     Snow appeared with two full baskets of berries. She glanced down at each of our baskets that were still half full. "I see you didn't get very far," she said with a smile. "But we have more than enough berries anyway, enough for at least a half dozen pies. Now is everything okay with you two? You both appear distracted," she added, looking concerned.

     "Oh, we are fine," I lied. "Just tired, that's all."

     "Well, it's getting late anyway, so we might as well start heading back," Snow replied.

     As we were heading back, suddenly, we heard carriage wheels, and immediately, we hid behind a shrub, our first thought, the Evil Queen. And it was her carriage, and many of her black knights who rode on horses were alongside it. We remained hidden, waiting for them to pass by, but the carriage suddenly stopped. Oh no, did she see us? I thought, alarmed.

     Then I heard the Evil Queen from inside the carriage order to her knights, "Search this area for any trace of them."

     "Great," I heard Kaylee softly murmur to herself sarcastically.

     We had no choice but to stay where we were since the knights were now scouting the area. I tried to breathe silently, but I could not since my heart beat rapidly. I was nervous that the knights would sudden pop up from behind us.

     Soon after the carriage moved on and we were sure that all the knights retreated since we did not see anymore of them, we decided to take our chances and continue on since it looked like the coast was clear. But as we were walking, all of a sudden, what we least expected, three black knights jumped out from the trees. Very startled, we dropped our berry baskets, and as we were about to run, the knights surrounded us. At this moment, I wished Rumpelstiltskin would appear and help us out, but I knew he would not for sure. Because we had no weapons in hand, we could not fight. We were screwed. The knights then arrested us, and Snow exclaimed indignantly to the knight who restrained her, "The queen may have us now, but she won't win in the end!"

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