Chapter 10

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Cato's POV

Glimmer and I wait for Marvel, Clove and Katniss to join us. Before Glimmer even gets a chance to flirt with me, Marvel and Clove walk through the bushes. And three things shock me:

1. Marvel looks mad.

2. Clove looks scared.

3. Katniss isn't with them.

I'm mostly mad and concerned about the third thing.
"Clove. Marvel. Where's Katniss?" I ask.
"She's a total traitor, she left us to save Lover boy and the girl from District 11," Clove says.
Katniss went to save Peeta and Rue? The Careers would kill Peeta, for me.

But who would try to kill Rue? CLOVE!
"Clove! You tried to kill the two of them, didn't you?!?" I snap.
"N-no, it was Ma- ma- Marvel," she says, shaking.
I glare at Marvel.
"But I thought you wanted me to kill Lover boy," he says.

"Please Cato, don't kill or hurt him," Glimmer begs.
"Fine, I won't. I'm going to join Katniss, Rue and Peeta," I say.
"God Glimmer, you're such a big baby."
She grabs my leg.
I sigh. "Fine, I'll stay."

I will find you, Katniss.
"If Thresh joins the three of them, we're toast," Marvel says.
"He could crush my skull with a rock," Clove says.
"Don't give him any ideas!" Glimmer complains.
Glimmer is such an idiot! She's such a drama queen too.

Marvel, is okay to be around. But Clove is my friend and I don't see myself killing her. I would if it would save Katniss' life.
"There are twelve Tributes, it just showed that in the sky. That means we're doing our job," Clove says.
I didn't see who died! Katniss or Rue could of died!
"Who died?" I ask.

"Girl from four, five, seven, boy from eight and nine," Clove says. "Don't worry, you're girlfriend is fine."
I glare at her.
"Cato has a girlfriend? Who?" Glimmer snaps at me.
"None of your business," I say.

"It's Girl on fire, isn't it?" Glimmer asks.
"I'm not saying," I say. "Look we need meat, we don't have any. Marvel can you go hunt?"
"I'll be back with a deer," he says.
Marvel leaves, and I'm left with the girls. Great.

"I'm going to kill Katniss," Glimmer murmurs to Clove.
"No, you're not," I say.
"But she stole you from me."
"I was never yours."

Then I hear something that makes me worry. A canon.

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