Big questions/important match

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chris's pov-Roman,dean,seth all made me feel alittle better with dealing with the andy situation after my boys taught andy a lesson we all drove back to the hotel that the whole WWE roaster will be staying t until we travel to our next location. "alright then here we are" seth said with a smile "hey uh guys do we know who is rooming with who?" i asked rather curious "uh we haven't gotten that far yet chrissy"roman giggled with that all four of us went up to the check in desk where i had the clipboard where all the names where when all of the sudden dean swiped it from my hands before i could look at it "hey!!!" i said and crossed my arms and pouted like a little kid "sorry sweet cheeks but i wanted to look first!" dean said with a laugh "okie dokie so its regins /rollins me and chris"dean said with a huge smile "yay!!!!! i get to room with deany" i laughed .with that we all headed to our rooms me and deans room number was 204 romans and seths were 104 so they were below us , me and dean walked into our suite and were exploring it had a massive bath room ,huge living room ,a balcony, and a great kitchen with a little pool area and a big king sized bedroom with one king sized and dean went into the bed room to unpack our clothes "im happy i get to share a room with you dean"i said wile blushing "really why?" he asked kinda confused yet very eager to know my response "because i feel very comfortable around you i trust you with my life you are also very sweet and you listen to me when i need to talk to you and you always are here for me" "awww ill always be here for you chris"dean said witha smiled and gave me a big hug i felt so safe in his arms i never wanted to let go the moment got ruined when my phone rang "hello?" "hey chris its a-" i hung up the phone knowing who it was i then threw my phone at the wall watching it shatter into a million pieces dean was in the bathroom so i just went on the balcony where the tears started falling "chris what smashed and are you oky!?!" dean asked all worried as he ran up to me and brought me in his arms where i sobbed into his shirt. DEANS pov- i was in th bath room when i heard a big loud noise then crying i immediately thought something happened to chris so i ran out and saw her sobbing on the balcony where i scooped her into my arms her little body was shaking as she cried harder and harder into my shirt "cupcake what happened?" i asked "an-andy called me and the pain came back dean the feeling o my heart being broken i all coming back "chris said as more tears fell "im gonna kill him!" isaid "dean why would you ant to do a silly thing like that?" she asked me "because i dont want him to keep bothering you or hurting you anymore" i said through gritted teeth chris then placed her hands on my cheek which her touch instantly calmed me down "i love that you care about me soo much that you would do anything in your power to protect me from getting hurt"she smiled "chris i would take a bullet for you if i would save your life im gonna do everything to keep you safe from all harm and pain because i l- dont want you to be broken now let me see that beautiful smile of yours then we can watch a movie!" i said smiling showing off my dimples this made chris smile and nod her head yes.

deans pov(still)- we went into the living room to pick out a movie chris wanted to watch twilight new moon so we put the movie in and watched it , after the movie ended chris turned to me "i love that particular twilight movie" "why cupcake?" "because when edward left bella she had her best friend make her feel better and she found a new love he made her forget her other love its kinda like whats going on with me right now an old love has left and i have you to help me through it and its awesome i love it" she smiled and hugged me "awww princess dont worry i will do everything in my power to help you feel better because i lo- care very deeply about you" i blushed as i said those words i almost told her i had feelings for her which right now isnt the right time to tell her . we then got our ring gear because we had smack down tonight after we grabbed our bags we headed out to smack down.

Andys pov- my back aches from being thrown threw a freaking table by those three hounds! but im glad i broke it off with chris i mean come one we went on like 3 dates and we had sex a couple times doesnt mean im in love with her anymore im glad im with juliet shes sooo much better and tonight im gonna do something thats gonna be wonderful for both of us i cant wait!.i then got dressed and went out i drove to a flower shop to by purple roses then i went to the a jewelry store "hello how may i help you sir?" the jeweler asked "i need to look at engagement rings please" with that i proceeded to the section i picked out a huge blue diamond ring i paid and left with the little black box in my pocket i then went to smack down to ask them a favor. after the meeting with Stephanie and triple h i left back home "hey baby" juliet was sitting in nothing but the bed sheets "come here you" we then did things ------- afterwards "get dresses baby i have a surprise for you !" i told her "yay!!!" she said with that she ran off to get dressed . when we both got dressed i handed her the flowers which she loved then i drove to smack down we finally got to the arena and took our seats front row!.

chris's pov- i got my shield ring gear on i had a match against paige! i was excited the guys were gonna be ring side and it was a title match tonight could be my night to become the new divas champion!!!!!! i got to keep my head clear and focus on the match "hey princess" dean came up to me with his dimply smile "hey deano!" i smiled "you ready for your match tonight ?" "yes i am im just scared ill lose " dean then stood in front of me and cupped both sides of my face "chris you are so talented and very good at what you do i have no doubt that tonight you will be a champion and if anyone trys to hurt you i will be there to keep you safe " with those beautiful words i felt myself falling more and more in love with dean then dean did the most surprising thing he leaned in and our lips connected i felt fireworks going off i wrapped my arms around his neck and he deepened the kiss we stayed like that for five minutes until we pulled apart for air "th-that was amazing dean" i blushed "it was the best kiss i ever had " he blushed too "chris your on next!!" a tech guy said "would you like me to escort you to the ring?" dean asked sweetly "yes mr ambrose" i said kissing his cheek with that we met with roman and seth our themed played we walked down the ramp.we got in the ring and the guys gave me a pep talk and hugs then exited the ring to stay ring side , paiges theme blasted through out the arena she got in and held up her title .ding ding* the match started **** i hit her with my signature move i went for the pin 1! 2! 3! THE NEW DIVAS CHAMPION CHRIS!! i was handed the title when all of the sudden i saw the whole arena go black i was pulled out to ring side by dean he was protecting me then the lights came on and they were in the ring.

andys pov- after chris won her match i decided to get back at her for what her dogs did to me the lights went out i grabbed juliet and brought us in the ring the lights came back up i got down on one knee with a microphone "JULIET SIMMS YOU HAVE MADE ME THE HAPPIEST GUY TO EVER LIVE I LOVE YOU SOOOO SOOOO MUCH WILL YOU DO ME THE HONOR AND MARRY ME AND BE MY BLACK VEIL BRIDE?" i asked "YES!" she said we hugged and slipped the ring on her finger i looked at chris with a smirk.

chris's pov- andy and juliet were in the ring and he fucking proposed to her to get back at me and to ruin my night i couldnt stand it i jumped in the ring and slapped andy so hard "I FUCKING HATE YOU SOOOO MUCH YOU USED ME AND NOW YOUR RUINING MY NIGHT WELL I GOT NEWS ANDREW THIS IS MY HOUSE MY PLACE I BELONG SO DONT FUCKING COME HERE AND TRY TO BE SOMETHING YOUR NOT AND KEEP THAT SLUT OF YOURS OUT OF MY RING !" i spat and he slapped me so hard i fell to the ground the tears were burning in my eyes just then dean got in and kick the ever loving shit out of andy "i warned you dude dont ever touch her or hurt her again stay away from my princess!" dean yelled and did his dirty deeds move on him andy was out i then punched juliet and racked attacked her they were both out i grabbed my title and stood on the ropes holding it up the crowed cheered! the shield and i exited the ring and went back to our locker room i changed and went to see stepahine and hunter . i knocked on the door "hello chris whats up?"steph asked "i wanted to tell you i beat those two up because hes my ex who used me and shes a tramp that need that i had tears pouring out of my eyes "chris if i was you i would of done the same thing honey" steph hugged me "thank you" i then left . i met up with the guys "hello chrissy"seth said with a goofy grin trying to cheer me up "hi sethy" i said messing his hair up "hey chris me and seth and dean wanted to know if you wanted to the bar tonight?"roman asked "no thanks guys i dont feel like going " "neither do i we can play some video games at the hotel" dean said "okay guys well will see you later "seth said with that they left the arena to go to the bar "dean you could of went you didnt have to stay here with me" i said looking down "cupcake i wanted to be with you i dont care about drinking tonight why dont we go out to dinner my treat?"dean asked "oky deano" i smiled "yay now lets get out of here and go eat babe" dean winked and held out his hand which i gladly put my hand in his and i felt electricity god im falling so hard for this man.❤️

Andy Biersack /DEAN AMBROSE( BE MY GIRL)Where stories live. Discover now