
He'd better not be mooching off of her too much. So help him...

The crinkling of cellophane and faint footsteps alerted him that Elle would be coming back soon, and he was still standing in the middle of the room like an idiot. He hastily plopped onto the nearest couch before she returned. It made a loud and pathetic squeak. Stupid sofa.

"Hello. Granola bar. Special delivery." Elle said, making her way over to the blue haired freshman.

She didn't bother silencing her footsteps, mostly because she didn't want to startle him. She actually made an effort to make her movements a little louder than usual, since he seemed a bit jumpy. She'd give him time to figure out that she wasn't going to attack him or anything, and hopefully he'll feel more relaxed around her by the time he left.

Honestly, she wasn't sure why he seemed so nervous. She didn't really consider herself all that intimidating, if she was honest. Maybe it was because she was an employee here? He seemed to respect Night Raven quite a bit, so it was plausible. Whatever the reason, she wasn't about to judge him for it. She would just do what she could to make him feel safer. In the meantime, however, she'd wave a granola bar in his face.

Deuce stared at her face with curious eyes. She blinked. Was he overthinking something? He seemed to be spacing out. After he didn't respond for a few seconds, she used the bar to tap him on the forehead.
"Knock knock?"

"AH-! Oh. Thanks. S-Sorry."

She nodded, handing the bar to him and plopping into the rocking chair to unwrap her own. She wanted to reassure him he didn't have to be so on edge around her, but she also knew the last thing she wanted when she was nervous was for someone else to point it out. She just decided to give him space and appear non threatening. Conclusions drawn by yourself were much more trustworthy than answers given by someone else, after all.

"No problem. The other three should be waking up soon, but you could probably ask the ghosts to get them if they don't." She took a bite of her granola bar.

"Huh? Are you leaving soon?"

She nodded. "Work. Before school and during afternoon classes."

"Oh. Okay, that makes sense, yeah."

The two ate in silence for a while, Deuce trying to think of something to say, and Elle slowly allowing her brain to boot up. Eventually, she realized something.

"Oh, we were supposed to get our uniforms and stuff today. Was there a box or something on the porch? Sorry, I'm tired, my brain isn't working."

Deuce blinked. "A box...? Oh, now that you mention it, I think there was one. Pretty big, too. A-And there's no need to apologize, it's early, after all."

Good, she wouldn't have to hunt down uniforms. She raised a finger as a signal to wait as she dashed out of the room, leaving her blanket on the rocking chair. She returned moments later lugging the large box into the lounge. She awkwardly picked at the tape, struggling to open it.

"Ah...! Let me help!" Deuce rushed to her side, quickly pulling at the tape much more effectively. He somehow managed to open the box in a matter of seconds. Elle blinked owlishly for a moment, thanking him timidly before searching the box's contents. Behind her, Deuce beamed like he was just awarded a gold star. He was helpful! Yes!

The first thing Elle found in the box was a note from whoever "Crewel" was saying that Yu's uniforms were on the left, while hers were on the right. Underneath that were forms for readjustments or modifications. Handy. The next thing she found was a note from Crowley. Apparently her PE uniform would double as her work uniform. Fair enough. It also contained her work and school schedule, as well as a list of daily tasks. She pocketed the note for later reference.
The only things left in the box after all the papers were removed were two piles of clothing, both wrapped in white tissue paper. Fancy. She grabbed the pile of clothing on the right, deciding to take the whole thing with her and unwrap it in the bathroom.

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