Chapter 3 - The Other Side Of The Story

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AN: Carina's POV so you maybe dont hate her 🤗🤗

and commenttttt ❤️❤️

Carina's POV

"Gabi, it's fine, just maybe focus on trying not to pass out" I chuckle to Gabriella, who was currently basically sitting in my lap

You see, I just had to rush out of mine and Maya's dorm because she needed me. If it was just anyone, I wouldn't have done what I did because I was with Maya and I know how much quality time means to her, but I know that Gabriella's having a few problems at the minute so her not showing up at school but then also showing up at my room sobbing was a cause for concern.

I'm still yet to know what's wrong with Gabriella as she's still just sobbing and clinging onto me, but we'll get there eventually.

Gabriella's my best friend. I can say that truly because I know that I've never had a friend like her before.

Sure, when I was in high school with Maya, I had a group of friends there, but it always felt like they were Maya's friends - even if they did seem to prefer me to her sometimes.

It just seemed like I pushed my way into Maya's old friend group and just layed low, enjoying their company but not really wanting it all the time.

Gabriella is my friend though. I didn't meet her through Maya, she didn't start talking to me out of pity because I was the 'new girl', she started talking to me because she thought I had good opinions on art and because we shared the same interests.

I love being able to talk to her about art, as silly as that sounds, I just like having someone who will sit and listen about me go on about a painting and understand what I'm saying and can talk to me about things that I take interest in, instead of boring things that people just talk about for the sake of talking.

Gabriella also has her own group of friends that I've taken a liking to. They're just like me, they talk a lot and often talk over each other without meaning to just because they have so many things to say, they'll text randomly, asking if we can meet up, without having to plan it weeks in advance, they don't get involved in any sort of drama, they're all around just the type of people I get along with.

Like I go to parties with them all but they're not the typical college parties, I went to one of those with Gabriella and it's safe to say neither of us will ever be returning, but anyways, the parties we go to are chill, it's pretty much just a house full of the kids that don't want to get involved with the drama and stuff. Now I'm saying it, it makes it sound boring but it's not, I promise, most of the time they're high so that makes it a bit more interesting

I've been trying to get Maya to come with me to one for ages, but she just says it's not her thing. I would get that if it was a typical college party but it's not, so I don't get why she still won't.

Maya doesn't want to get involved with any of my friends. She just says that she's a 'lone wolf' or something, but I don't understand how she's gone over a full year here without a single friend.

I'm not even joking, when she's not in a class, she's in our dorm, that's it, nothing else.

When we first got here, I was with her all the time. I hated the fact she didn't have any friends, so I figured that if I was with her then at least she had someone. That's not the case now though, I gave up on that a while ago when I realised that the problem wasn't that she tried to make friends and couldn't, she just didn't even attempt it in the first place.

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