xii. Even When It Hurts

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An antique vanity table glared back at Raina as she stood outside the bedroom of Sagarika inside the Rangarh fort

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

An antique vanity table glared back at Raina as she stood outside the bedroom of Sagarika inside the Rangarh fort. Her chamber was locked permanently by glass. She wondered if the place remained untouched as it was 64 years ago, there was no specific name plate that mentioned it to be Sagarika's room but she knew it, she knew it from the memories of Sagarika where she used to spend most of her years.

But the chamber wasn't the exact as it portrays itself to onlookers. Raina still has the vivid memories of the late Princess's room, there were many things missing from the room, probably due to time such as the big mirror in which Sagarika used to gaze herself at and of course a life size painting of the said person.

Raina had a good idea of who might be behind the disappearance of the painting.

It had been two weeks ever since she returned to Rangarh from Delhi. And most importantly, two weeks ever since the ghastly vision of Aarush's doppelgänger. 

After that incident, his presence near her made her more awkward than usual. She refused to meet his eyes in hopes that she won't have to recall Ishir's face. When he bid her farewell in the airport, Raina's lips curled into a stiff smile and hurriedly rushed into the terminal without a word. That gesture made both the Mehras and the Yadavs to knit their eyebrows.

"Did I do something wrong", She could still hear his voice, laced with confusion, implore her through her phone.

She shook her head in response. "It's not like that", she mumbled absent-minded.

The last vision she received after that crazy one was on the way to Gwalior. She got a vision, or memory as Gauri liked to call it, mid flight. Luckily, she was zoned out before hand in order for her mother to notice anything out of the blue. 

"My Lady, do not do this, I plead you. If the King gets knowledge of such a scandal then....god forbid to ever think of the consequences !" 

Sulekha wailed as she tried to stop Sagarika from opening her vanity drawer by grabbing her wrists quite roughly and shoving her aside from the teak wood furniture. However, Sagarika wasn't the one to easily give up.

She shoved the former more violently until Sulekha almost hit her head upon the bed pillar.

"I'm advising you against this, Sagarika. Consequences shall be severe if you do so, this will call war"! Sulekha admonished as she steadied herself, helplessly watching Sagarika dip a pen in a pot of ink and scribble furiously on the paper set in front of her.

Sagarika paused and snapped her head so quick that it would have broke her delicate neck, but she was too livid to even care about her well being. Her green eyes pierced right through Sulekha's dark ones.

"No one shall know about this unless we tell them ourselves, so do me a favour and keep your lips sealed for heaven's sake"!

"What's the assurance that he will keep his lips sealed"? Sulekha taunted, scoffing derisively at her mistress's belief.

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