iii. The heart and the mind

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The sky of the kingdom donned a rich hue of vermilion as the sun started to set behind the horizon. Trees rustled it's leaves in the gentle evening breeze, birds chirped and started returning to their nest for the night. It was a beautiful environment that Sagarika's horse admired and loved as it ran on his four legs along the city.

The forest's calmness helped to soothe Sagarika's mind, it relieved her temporarily of the aftermath of the morning's disturbance. Wind whipped through her open tresses as her steed galloped in the colourful kingdom.

The ochre and blue fort came into view and she quickly pulled her stole even tighter around her head and blocked all the emotions from showing up on her facial features, like a true royal, her mother would say. 

The guards, gave her a curt bow to show their respect for the royal and opened the fort door to let her pass through, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief when the guards posted there were the ones that were loyal to her as she knew that if it were the others, they'll surely report it to the King and the King will report it to the Queen who'll pester her about her absence.

Slowly Tara, her horse, trotted towards the stable and let Sagarika get back on her feet. The stable attender had already filled the horse's water bowl and closed its stable door. 

Aditi had to sneak inside the palace to get back to her room as none of her family members knew she had been outside till sundown and she definitely didn't have the courage to face their disappointed faces.

Crawling behind pillars and using the other corridor which wasn't so frequently inhabited, she managed to reach her room and shut the doors before collapsing on the soft mattress. Sulking in her own thoughts helped the Princess to recover from any traumatising event.

Her family's cowardice and submission towards a foreign race made her blood boil with anger, even worse was that neither her family nor her subjects supported her when she stood up to the arrogant officer. They were all silent spectators.

Knock. Knock. Knock

 Someone pounded against the chamber doors, groaning at being disrupted from her thoughts, Sagarika walked towards the door and raised her voice slightly and asked, " Who's there"?

 " It's me,Sulekha, My lady", the voice from the other side answered. Aditi sighed, not wanting to meet anyone but since it was her lady-in-waiting she couldn't help but let her in, knowing she's probably called for or something important must be conveyed to her.

 Lifting up the latches that locked the door, she let Sulekha strode in with a tray laid with fine food. By her actions Sagarika could tell there's something wrong. 

The handmaiden closed the doors and turned to the Princess with an apologetic face. " The King and Queen haven't witnessed your absence but unfortunately they do not require your presence for dinner and....they aren't happy with the incident of today's morning."

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