x. Glass Minds

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Gauri had officially proclaimed Raina to be possessed

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Gauri had officially proclaimed Raina to be possessed.

Ever since Raina had that vision attack from their visit to the Residency, Gauri was convinced that Sagarika's ghost had possessed Raina. The latter rebuked her accusations but Gauri was sure of it.

"Maybe Sagarika wants to tell you the truth of her story but since she's already dead, she's trying to get it through you. I think that's why you're getting those crazy visions of her and that British guy".

That was her firm answer to it. Raina wanted to admit her theory but what held her back was the inability to feel Sagarika, if her ghost was really creating those hallucinations in the back of her mind, almost made her dismiss the theory.

She never shared this information with anyone except Gauri. Not even her parents, she didn't want to share such a sensitive information as this with them. The odds of them taking it casually was as less as her having her privacy respected.

Even her Grandmother did not earn her trust despite being the only family member she was close with.

The visions were creepy and not easy to understand but having Cameron's diary made it easier to understand only an aspect of the situation since it was from the late Resident's point of view and not Sagarika's.

Worst part yet was that after ten minutes of coming back to reality, she could only remember bits and pieces of it, it almost felt like a shock therapy but without the anaesthesia.

She ran through the entires in the journal, in search of an answer to her previous vision. There it was, inscribed in a yellowed page the date marked with faded ink as 24 November 1848. Apparently Cameron had mixed feelings about the way the meeting went with Sagarika that day. He felt conflicted when both personal and professional matters intersected at the wrong time.

She approached me but I have lacked the courage to help her. Instead, I had hurt her with harsh words and insulted her apology.

But what can I do? How will I be able to help her when I myself am stuck in a condition that would attract the questions of all senior officials? I knew it was a horrible decision to develop a heart for the Princess. What was I thinking? She's the enemy, a person far from my reach.

Of course there are European women better than her in England. Alas, a women who has fire and a sense of independence is hard to find.I can't seem to get her out of my head, why does she invade my senses? Coming to India was a despicable idea.

I feel the worst. I hate myself to the core.

Raina felt bad. Even though she detested the idea of her beloved town being under the hands of a wannabe tyrant dictator, she tried to look in a another view. People tend to forget that Cameron was only 21 at that time.

Just a year older than Raina.

If he belonged to the 21st century, then at that age, he would rather be focused on surviving his senior year in College than being a pawn of the Company. 

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