vi. Dug Out Secrets

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"I found a lead. I know someone who knew Sagarika and Cameron"! Gauri exclaimed, waiting for  her friend's reaction.

Raina blinked.

"You're telling me that someone knows people whom have been practically wiped off from history"? Rain asked in disbelief.

"Um...if you say it that way then yes".

"Oh yeah? Who?"

"Do you know that guy who just joined the Army recently"? Gauri implored.

"Who? You mean Keshav Ranaut, the guy who used to flirt with you during our twelfth grade"? Raina said as she tried to stifle her laughter. Gauri rolled her eyes and groaned at the memory.

"Yeah yeah the same one. Anyways, according to Cameron's diary, Keshav's ancestor who might be his great great grandfather or something had met with Sagarika and this guy somewhere around December."

"Wait what?" Raina exclaimed, " How exactly is that even possible"?

"Because Cameron mentioned in his diary that Sagarika met with someone named Rajesh Ranaut, and Rajesh could definitely be related to Keshav because ....they're both Ranauts"! Gauri explained as if it was obvious. 

Raina shot her a pointed look.

"Are you clueless or just clinically brain dead"?

Gauri's face morphed into that of a perplexed one. "Um...huh"?

"There are many Ranauts in India. Heck there's an actress with a Ranaut  surname, are you saying that Keshav is the only Ranaut"? Raina ranted annoyed.

"Seriously Raina, don't you think I know that"? Gauri snapped, " Besides, Keshav's family has been known to be here longer than anyone, so it's obvious that Rajesh Ranaut was his ancestor"!

Raina pondered over what she said but Gauri's patience was wearing thin over her friend's obliviousness.

"Are you coming or not"? She slicked her tongue, waking her out of her thoughts.

"Huh? Fine. Just let me change! And Gauri, if it's not worth it then you had it", she threatened as she stormed back inside her room.

After she changed back into a much comfortable kurta and jeans, she found her mother arranging everything back in place after the Mehras left. She tried to silently sneak past her along with Gauri.

"Now where are going"? Raina cringed as she heard her mother.

"Um.." she tried to think of an answer when Gauri came to the rescue.

"Aunty, we're going to the market place, you know to find some outfits for....when she goes to Delhi", she said the last line quickly beforing flashing her friend's aunt a Cheshire grin.

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