1 Year Anniversary

Start from the beginning

"A reservation for... ah yes, Azrael Winters." A receptionist says, "We have a table for 5 directly in front of the stage all set, that is fine with you?"

I nod my head.

"Great, please follow me." She moves from the desk and takes a walk down the hall.

A very, very beautiful hall.

I've always been a sucker for art deco, but I've never had a place anywhere near me that quite nailed the feeling.

So to find what appears to be a modern speakeasy in Lungmen, ah, my dreams came true.

"Wow..." I hear Crossaint say from behind me, "This is where all the elites go to party, huh?"

God, I can't wait to see the main hall.

"And here we have the main hall." The receptionist says, letting us soak it all in, "It was built back in 1937, and through many repairs and refurbishings, L'éclat doré has managed to stay just as beautiful as back then, with all the accessories of a modern club."

Christ, Isn't this beautiful?

The stage is painted is these golden lights, and everything is draped in these beautiful clothes. Ah, it was just as great as I hoped.

I take out my phone and quickly snap a photo before following the receptionist down the glorious spiral staircase.

We walk past many couples are groups, none of which seem to be under 50, and we reach our table.

Directly in front of the stage, with perfect views of every single part of the stage.

The cloth on this table isn't white, it's golden.

"You have a reservation of our 'Golden Table'" The Receptionist says as we take our seats, "Is has been given this title and look due to it widely being known as not only the best table L'éclat doré has to offer, but the best table Lungmen has to offer. Enjoy your night."

She bows and heads back up the main hall.




"Az do you have blackmail on someone?" Exusiai leans over and asks.

"No, I got this for us entirely through legal means." I say.

"But... But how!" Exusiai says.

"I agree with Exusiai, I do want to know how you pulled this off." Texas says, fiddling with her drink glass.

"The answers will all fall into place soon enough, for now, just enjoy the ambiance and the drinks." I say motioning to a waiter, "This could be the best night of our lives, no point wasting away on things like 'why?', just have fun, and get super drunk."


"Y'know what, you're right!" Exusiai says, "Waiter, do you have any champagne for me?"

The waiter rushes over and starts talking with Exusiai.

"But, where'd Sora go?" Texas says, "I know boss and Mostima couldn't make it, but Sora was in the car with us."

"All will be answered with time Texas." The waiter now moves to me, "I'll take a Dom Pérignon rosé."

"Ah, great choice Monsieur, that is one of our premium selections and I must say it certainly tastes the part!" The waiter smiles at me, "Would you like the full bottle or just a glass?"

"Full bottle, please." I tell him.

"Great choice Monsieur, is this for the full table or just you."

"For the table, but feel free to talk to Texas over here, I know she has a drink she's been wanting to try." I say, gaining a subtle glare.

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