Chapter 22: Drums and a Drink

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"Anyways, about your band not having a drummer." Blaze says getting our attention, "I may know a person..."


"So you're the drummer?" Vigna says, "Couldn't you have just, you know, told us?"

"But this is more fun!" Blaze says in full drumming gear, twirling around two sticks, "You guys had a great look on your face when I came in after all~"

"Well..." I think for a second, "Well whatever, I assume you wanna play with us then?"

"Yup! Give me a pattern and I got you!" Blaze says, "No fills until I officially join though."

I catch myself smiling, half at the fact that we got ourselves a drummer pretty easily, and half at the stupid quip she just said.

"Alright, you got a deal." I place my guitar down "I don't have the thing written down, so I'll play it for you."

"You can play the drums?" Vigna says surprised, "With how good you are at guitar I thought that's all you've ever played."

"I've played guitar before I made my first friend." I say sitting down, "Well... that doesn't say too much given that I made my first friend when I was like... 17, but you get the point. I've only recently started drumming."

"Interesting." Vigna rubs her chin, "Should I play anything?"

"Nah, just let Blaze get the thing down."


"So..." Blaze plays the pattern, "It goes like this?"

"Mhmm, and then-"

"You stay on the crash for the rest of the verse until the chorus where you..."

She goes back to the first pattern.

"Do this." She stops, "And that's all for now?"

"Yeah, that'll be good just to see if we can play well together." I plug my guitar into an amp, "Ready Vigna."

"I've been waiting." She responds by playing the riff with a smile, "Alright Blaze, your call."

I grab my pick.



*1 2 3 4*


'I wonder what Az is doing right now. He should be back from his mission by now.' Texas thinks walking down a random Rhodes Island corridor.

The landship is so large it's hard for her to navigate sometimes, so she just walks around until she sees someone she can ask for directions.

*Bam Bam Bam*

Texas's ears hear something banging, getting closer to the sound, she realizes that they're drums.

'I forgot there was a recording studio here.' Texas thinks, 'They are very loud though.'

"You say you wanna stand by my side
Darling, your head's not right."

'The hell's that?' Texas says, 'And why does it sound really good?'

Texas questions herself for a second before just deciding to leave.


"That song is so fun!" Blaze jumps a bit in her chair, "And you have one hell of a voice."

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