Chapter 18: Reunion, For the First Time

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"I love you too." I say back while closing my eyes and joining her in sleeping.


"Just, don't get hurt okay?" Sora says holding my hand.

"I'll be fine, I have someone to fight for now afterall." I say while getting in the car.

"I know, just, it's nagging me that something will go wrong." Sora says.

"I'm just here to provide intel and nothing more, I won't even be in the line of combat." I reassure her.


"Alright then, good luck." She says trying to muster a smile.

"I love you Sora, I'll be back soon." I get into the car and close the door.


"You two actually got together, huh?" Texas says starting up the car.

"Mhmm." I agree, "And I've never been happier."

Texas subtlety smiles.

"took you long enough." She mumbles before slamming the gas.

The car bursts out of the parking lot, zooming towards the lower east side of Lungmen.

As expected, I was also asked by Emperor to join against the attack by Reunion.

But Rhodes Island only asked for two people, and they said that most of the fights will be in close-quarters alleyways and such.

And I seem to work best by myself in open spaces, so Emperor decided to put me into the observation and backup group.

Which is completely fine by me, it allows me to put in less effort.

The only issue is that I have no clue what happens to the backup group.

Do they get off scot-free? Are they attacked and barely make it out?


Whatever, I'll just stick to my job and go from there.

If grunts show up, I can just clear them out.

Just try to stay out of combat, and everything should be good.


"Az, this is your drop-off spot." Texas says as the car goes from supersonic to completely still in less than a second.

"Alright." I say getting out of the car, "See you on the other side."

Texas nods, Exusiai gives a large thumbs up.

And they drive off.


I'm met with a large mix of Rhodes Island and L.G.D. personnel. Nobody recognizable.

Well, except for Hoshiguma, who seems to be the acting leader of the group.

I walk over to the area.

Hosiguma notices me immediately and waves me over, "You're the Penguin Logistics guy right? Azrael?"

I nod while taking a seat across from her.

"Good, you're vital to our operation." She says, "You'll be stationed on top of that building." She points to a decently high building with a big, flat roof, "And you'll be giving us intel on what you see up there."

"Should I tell you everything I see or just the important stuff?" I ask.

"Everything." She clarifies, "Everything is important here."

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