Chapter 11: Warehouse Aftermath

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I take a seat, calm myself, light a cigarette, and watch the pre-festival activities while waiting for the others to come into view.


...I haven't felt this calm in a long time.

All the lights shining perfectly, the distance faces of happy Lungmenites, the sounds that are just barely hearable past my headphones.

It just all fits together. It really is a scene out of a dream.


"There you are." I hear someone say behind me.

"Texas." I reply, getting a look, "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No, I'm fine. Have you seen anyone else?"

"Not yet." I respond, "Just looking over the skyline, reflecting on old stuff."

"Hence the cigarette?" She asks.

"Hence the cigarette." I confirm.

She sits on a pile of trash across from me and joins in the crowd watching.


A breeze sweeps through, carrying silence with it.



Someone yells, getting our attention.


They call out again.


I finally recognize the voice.


Its Sora.


"Over here Sora." I call out.

The yells turn into footsteps as Sora approaches our location.

She comes within sight of us, and a look of relief washes over her alongside a smile.


"I was in a random alleyway by the time the sand got out of my eye." She says walking over to me, "I was worried that I lost all of you."

She quietly laughs at herself before taking a seat next to me, resting her head on my shoulder.


"So what do we do now?" Texas asks while Sora closes her eyes and takes some deep breaths.

"Do you know if Exusiai or Croissant have begun carrying their phones on them during missions? Calling them would be easiest." I ask Texas.

"Exusiai brings her phone about a quarter of the time, and I don't think Croissant has ever brought her phone to a combat mission, always saying something about possibly damaging it."

I sigh, "I'll just give Exusiai a call and see if she picks up, we'll go from there."


I get out my phone and head to my contacts and call Exusiai.





Finally, Exusiai's voice comes through the speakers.


"Hello! I'm away right now so please gimme a voice memo, thanks!"

Arknights: Living the DreamHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin