Chapter 19: Rhodes Island, For the First Time

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How stupid.


"It's so big!" Exusiai says.

"Yeah, I'd think that something called a landship would be the size of an actual ship." Mostima says from the backseat, "Not this humongous piece of metal."

"Texas, you should slow down, I know that the parking area isn't that large." I say.

"Really?" Texas says, "Rhodes Island's landship is this big, but their parking is limited? That's stupid."

"The parking in the entrance we're heading to is small at least." I clarify, "They probably have a larger pure garage somewhere."

The car goes silent aside from Sora's latest album blasting through the speakers, courtesy of Texas's CD collection.

After Skullshatterer, or Misha, was killed we were informed that our dorm was ready, so everyone in Penguin Logistics packed up and hopped into a car heading straight for Rhodes Island.

It's... very exciting.

It's kind of like heading into college with a group of buddies with you... and you know almost everything about said college and the people who inhabit it.

So maybe not like heading into college.


But the overall feeling is still there. A mix of excitement and anxiety.

And... It's a fresh start.

Joining Rhodes Island was something that I would have to face at some point, I should just be glad I got it over with.

And to be sent with the rest of the gang is a large, large cherry on top.

Mostima has even joined us, though she still is being watched by that red-haired girl.


Texas pulls up onto the ramp and reaches the top in no time.

An attendant asks her a couple of questions.

After a couple of answers, we're on our way through the storage area.

3 or 4 minutes pass, and we reach the end of the room. A worker greets us by flicking a switch and having the entire wall move upwards, allowing us to go through.

We're met with a multitude of cars, and it seems that my assumption of an actual parking lot was correct.

We drive through for a bit and find a parking spot.

"Ahh... Finally!" Exusiai says stretching outwards before jumping out of the car, "Alright, We'll all carry what we packed. If you brought too much just give it to Texas."

Texas gives her a quick death glare as we all get our stuff and head to the unnecessarily large elevator.

About 60 buttons are present, all of them labeled with nothing but one or two letters.

But I'm pretty sure Amiya said that our dorm is on...

"D3." Texas says, "That's where we need to go."

"Alright." I say pressing the button.


Elevator music is present this time.


"And this is it." Texas says.

Two doors are present, one labeled with the words "PENGUIN LOGISTICS" in all bold, the other showing our logo.

Three boxes are built into the wall outside the room, labeled PL1, PL2, and PL3.

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