Chapter 21: The First Two Missions

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I chuckle at her eagerness, "Alright then. I called this one The Modern Age."


"Can you drive any worse?!"

"I can if you want me to!"

"Screw you! I vow to the lord himself I will never work with you again!"

"Ha! Good luck with that, God isn't re-


"Arrived" We hear through the car speakers.

"Finally." Vigna says hopping out of the car, "I know Rhodes Island employs pretty much anyone, but damn these guys are annoying."

"And to think they'd be willing to send them on a mission with other people, as the drivers no less." I say following her.

"Yeah, must suck for you." Vigna says, "Your first ever Rhodes Island mission is taken alongside two grown men yelling at each other the whole way through."

"Might as well get it over with." I say popping open the trunk, "At least I'm with someone I know. Texas was left with 3 antisocial supporters who couldn't hurt someone for their life."

Vigna grabs some packages, "Y'know, Rhodes Island is generally a really good place, but they make mistakes like those way too often. I mean, they don't know that we know each other, so from their perspective, your first ever mission is made up of two grown men arguing while driving a car, and a barley-adult redhead sarkaz who uses a weird weapon."

I sigh and grab the rest of the packages, "At least the job is easy, just deliver some packages and disarm anyone in opposition."

"Wasn't that literally what your job was before joining Rhodes?"



"Well, at least they got something right..." Vigna says, dropping the packages at the stone house's porch.

I follow her with my boxes. The drivers are still arguing.

Vigna walks back to the car, and rather than grabbing the last couple of boxes, she heads towards the front door.



The two men shut up and place the rest of the packages on the doorstep.

I hop in the driver's seat for the ride back.


"I'm still mad about that." Vigna says while plugging in her amp, "The guys had the audacity to even call us bad teammates at the end of the trip."

"They're just losers who get mad easily, nothing to worry about." I say, checking the distortion, "Besides, they can't play guitar, so who's gonna become famous in a couple of years?"

"We're gonna be famous!" Vigna similes at me, "Not them."

She sighs, "But if we're gonna be a famous band, we should probably have a drummer."

"And a bassist." I say.

"Well I would say that but it just makes us sound even bleaker, a band without a drummer or bassist." Vigna comments, "I don't think any band in Terra has gone mainstream with that sort of arrangement."


I play the guitar melody from Is This It.

Vigna silently joins in.

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