Chapter 16: A Bad Dream

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Wouldn't that be nice?



The elevator doors open.

I walk out and take a couple steps toward my apartment.

I gently put Sora's feet on the ground and keep her leaning against my other arm while I get the keys and unlock the door.

The door opens. I pick up Sora again.


I rest her on my bed.

With my hands free, I close and lock the door.

I can't help but look at Sora while walking to the bathroom.

I brush my teeth and wash my hands before walking back to the main room.

My eyes are still glued on Sora.

She's sleeping peacefully in a beautiful frilly outfit, her golden-yellow hair is strewn across the pillow.


"P-Please help m-me!"

"You'll be okay... you'll be okay. Look in my eyes"


"I will get you out of here, you will be safe, you will be okay."

"C-Can you p-promise me!"

"You will always be safe with me, I promise."


I shouldn't smoke with Sora in the room.

Well, I can just open the window and do it out there.

This day has been long.


Lungmen is quiet.

Obviously not silent, it's just... quiet.

The shops are closed, only a few people seem to be walking around.

The only thing that seems to be awake is the top of the skyscrapers.

Those unimaginable heights are the only thing alive. They're too high to notice the world has slowed down beneath them.


I wonder, what do they do when they finally slow down?

Do they go to a restaurant and eat?

Do they go home and rest?

Do they have someone they love?



That infamous word.

The most known emotion.

The most feared emotion.


I once saved a girl from a kidnapping.

I taught her music, I taught her how to fight.

We got close.

She started to like me at one point.

But we went on as if nothing had happened.

Then I left...

And kept it all in my dreams.

Everything me and Sora did together was nothing but a dream.

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