4 | Fancy

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"The sirens. Oh, the sirens on the streets run inside of me. The silence. It sounds like a clock counting down and it's deafening. My heart's like a war zone, landmines everywhere. Careful where you step, you could hurt someone...You can still find love in the madness"

~ Madness (Wild Blue Part 1)


It was around six in the morning the following day and I stood in the kitchen fixing up breakfast. I kept making nervous glances towards where James laid. He was still fast asleep and I still had no idea how to handle the situation. Once everything was about ready, I walked slowly to the couch and stood still. I felt a bit rude waking him up this early in the morning, but I think it'd be ruder if I had breakfast without him and then left for work. I was raised with hospitality. So, I shook the nervousness away and reached to nudge his shoulder lightly.

He moved a little but remained asleep. I couldn't help but smile. I tried again and he sought to push my arm off.

"Let me sleep, Hayes" he mumbled, grabbing my hand and pushing it away.

I chuckled at his defiance and pushed his thick hair from his face. "I made breakfast," I whispered.

At that, his head shot up and his tired eyes opened to meet mine. He looked at me in confusion, as if he'd forgotten last night's ordeal.

I gave him an awkward rub on his shoulder. "It's a little over six in the morning and I made breakfast. But you can go back to sleep if you want."

He rubbed his eyes before looking up at me once more. "Grace, right?"


He smiled. "Your place smells amazing."

"Hmm. I did tell you I made breakfast." I remarked.

He shook his head and slowly sat up. "Did I call you Hayes?"

I pressed my lips into a tight line, refraining from chuckling. "Yeah...you did."

"Oh God," he groaned, rubbing his eyes, "sorry about that."

"Oh, you're fine. I've always wanted to change my name to Hayes anyway," I shrugged playfully, taking the seat next to him.

He let out a quiet laugh. "So what happened last night?"

"Nothing really. I went to take a shower and when I came out, you were fast asleep," I said, wincing slightly as I remembered my awkwardness last night. Nonetheless, I continued. "But I'm not strong enough to move you, so I just took off your shoes and covered you with my comforter so you could be warm."

He gave me a genuinely sweet smile and I could see a look of wonder in his eyes. It seemed like no one's ever done this for him. What a shame. Then he spoke, drawing me out of my thoughts. "That was very kind of you. I don't know how to thank you."

"Oh, it's fine. Hospitality is something my mom drilled into my head, so it comes naturally," I said, getting up. I put a cheery smile on and turned to him. "I hope you like your eggs scrambled."

Sitting up completely, he took me in completely, something glazing over his eyes for a second. "I prefer sunny side up, but scrambled is good, too."

I let out a small laugh. "Okay, come into the kitchen and I'll fix you a plate."

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