2 | Escape

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"You're like second nature, baby, you're just like breathin'. A melody that you hear and you can't forget. The time goes by and I still need you"

~ How Not To (Obsessed)


When I turned to look at James' reaction, I found him with his hand covering his lips, a certain perturbation weighing down his broad shoulders. His eyebrows were narrow; he was definitely uneasy about something. Maybe it was the angel on my right shoulder urging me to do so, but I wanted to help him. It sounded like there was a mob out there, chanting for him to get out and hand himself over.

"You know, I took self-defense classes all through college," I started, offering him a small smile, "I was this close to getting a black belt when I graduated."

His features softened at my words and he looked up at me from the table. He didn't look scared; he looked tired. It wasn't physical fatigue either. He looked emotionally and mentally drained. How awful must life have to be for someone to feel as empty as he looks? It was almost scary looking at him right now, not because he himself was scary, but because the possibility of what led him to this point in his life was terrifying.

"Are you offering me protection?"

"Yeah. I can be your temporary bodyguard," I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

He looked pained at my offer and the small groan that escaped him served as a receipt. "I can't let you be seen anywhere with me. They would immediately assume something is going on between the two of us."

I shook my head fast, scooting to the tip of my chair as I attempted to get closer to him. I was initially kidding about protecting him, but seeing how much agony it caused him to even think about stepping outside changed my attitude. For what it's worth, I really did take self-defense classes in college. "No one deserves to live like a zoo animal, James, not even the actual zoo animals."

"It comes with the job," he argued, possibly trying to defend the people out in the street. That small fact broke my heart. I mean, here is this guy being hunted down and followed like prey and he is defending his hunters.

I sighed. "Come on, let's go. I'll give you a ride home."

"Wha-no! You don't understand how crazy it all gets. It's total madness. I can't let you get sucked into this."

I squinted my eyes at him and crossed my arms. "Then how exactly do you plan on getting home?"

"I'll drive," he said plainly. I couldn't draw any emotion from his eyes nor his body language. He was very rigid.

"You drove here?"


"Then, how-what?"

A long sigh escaped his lips. "I sent Alex home after he dropped me off."


"Yeah, my bodyguard."

"You send your bodyguard home?"

He nodded.

"My God, you're an idiot," I said, exasperated at his admission. I didn't mean to insult him, but what was I supposed to say? The man willingly put himself in this position.

A Thief in the NightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz