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"I've been spending the last eight months, thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end"

~ Begin Again (Red)


The restaurant was quiet-too quiet-when I walked in. I could feel the sophistication radiating from all grounds as I approached the front desk.

A man who looked to be in his late forties smiled up at me, his smile overpowering his half-bald head which was almost too distracting. "Hi, what name is your reservation under?"

I awkwardly smiled back, trying not to stare at his bald head. I figured it would be rude, especially in a place where water probably costs ten dollars.

"Um, Grace Daniels," I quickly said, my eyes taking a quick look around the place. To say I was under-dressed would be the understatement of the century. I felt like a deer in the midst of lions.

Be a damn proud deer then.

I almost laughed at myself when the man looked up at me with another smile. "Follow me, Ms. Daniels," he gestured, walking from the desk and maneuvering around the tables. I followed, not paying much attention to my surroundings.

When we arrived at a weirdly decorated table, the man held the chair out for me. Crap. I didn't know they did that.

At Burger King, they don't even look at you twice. It's like serving you makes their lives even more of a living hell.

It's a shame I love their food.

When the waiter asked me if I'd like to order, I smiled politely and declined. I told him I was waiting for someone. And I was. I just didn't know whom I was exactly waiting for.

My younger sister, Gigi, is a social queen and she got along with everyone, even her shady boss at J'adore Magazine, who is a total nightmare. I'm ninety-nine percent sure my sister is living the typical wannabe-fashion-designer nightmare life that happens at the beginning of their careers.

And even though I have a great group of friends that I take seriously and truly care for, Gigi seems to think that my life is in ruins because I haven't had a boyfriend since my sophomore year in high school. She always ignores me when I assure her that I enjoy my life the way it is. She expertly annoyed me about setting me up with this cute guy from her office for two weeks before I crumbled and agreed.

His name was Bryan and he apparently smells like apples. I don't even know what apples smell like.

My phone buzzed, pulling me out of my thoughts.


"What do you want, Gigi?" I answered. I was a bit annoyed and I was sure that she could hear it through my voice. I've been sitting here alone like an idiot for almost half an hour.

She sighed. "I have some bad news."

"Did you break your nails or something?" I hit her with a sarcastic line that was surely going to hurt her feelings. However, I was getting more pissed by the minute and she was the first person to talk to me since the waiter left.

I could practically see her rolling her eyes at me as she said, "And here I thought I was helping you."

"By setting me up on a date with a guy who smells like apples and apparently doesn't own a damn watch?"

A Thief in the NightWhere stories live. Discover now