I can see the shadow of a fire inside and someone moving, my palm is sweaty and I feel my mouth getting dry.

"It's okay," Miles whispers encouraging me.

I ask him to please hold Nakoa for me, he holds him safely and then we walk.

I can feel my heartbeat in my ears as I near the entrance and then peek inside.

"Mom?" I ask in a soft voice.

The woman that was tending to the fire turns around and gasps when she sees me.

"Mom," I exhale, I feel like I was holding onto this breath since the moment I was taken with Spider. I'd missed my mom deeply.

"Anatuat," she says and hurries to me. She hugs me and I hug her too, I bury my face in her hair and gently pat her back.

"Where- how- what?- what happened to you?" she asks me leaning back a little and examining my face.

I smile and tears fall down my eyes.

"Many things happened mom, and I'll explain them to you. I missed you so much," I say, more tears falling down my eyes.

"I miss you too, daughter," My mom lets out an ugly sub and her hands go to my face. She gently wipes my tears away and brushes strands of hair out of my face.

I notice that she looks older, tired and a little sad. Not knowing where I was or what happened probably took a toll on her.

I hug her tight to me again and rock us a little side to side.

"Anatuat, who is that?" she asks and I turn back. For a moment I even forgot about Miles.

I take a step back and swallow. My mom look at me suspiciously as I extend my hand to Miles and he takes it, careful not to disturb Nakoa.

"Anatuat?" she asks again.

Miles gives my hand a little squeeze.

"Mom, I'd like you to meet my husband... and our son," I say turning to look at Miles.

My mom gasps and covers her mouth in shock.

"But- but... how?!"

"This is Miles, and this is our son Nakoahnani," I say pointing at Miles and caressing Nakoa's face.

My mom is still a little in shock.

Miles takes a step forward and extends his hand to her, that makes me confused and I shake my hand a little, so he lowers it and instead does the I see you sign.

My mom takes a look at his hand and her eyes widen even more.

"He's not Na'vi," she exclaims.

"Mom," I beg her.

"How did this happen? when?!" She doesn't sound mad, just very... confused and, I don't know.

"Mom... please be nice, I'll tell you all about it but, please be nice. Don0t you want to meet your grandson?" I ask with a smile.

My mom still look a little defensive about Miles.

"Do you love my daughter?" she asks crossing her arms.

"Very much, ma'am," Miles answers resting his arm over my shoulder and pulling me to his side, a soft smile grows on my face.

My mom evaluates the two of us.

"So... your human body is somewhere around there in the lab?" she asks.


Miles snickers a little.

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