Jū ni 一 Reinforcements

Start from the beginning

"Are you just going to stand there staring at me or are you going to kiss me?" She gave him a wink before giggling; the sound of her laughter was like music to his ears, he couldn't help but to smile back at her in return. Oh, how he wanted to kiss her, but that was going to have to wait. "Kidding, kidding. We need to leave, now. Pein and the others are in the process of getting their people out, too."

Itachi walked up to her, "Their people? Who is tha-"

"Hell yeah baby! Freedom at last!"

"That was an artful explosion, yeah! I'd love to see that again! Hahaha!"

"That is obviously not art, Deidara. Quit wasting my time with your ignorant opinions."

[Name] and Itachi's attention was brought to four men standing a few feet away from them in the middle of the hallway. Sasori, Deidara, Hidan and some other guy with orange hair and piercings was standing there imposingly; Itachi assumed he was this 'Pein' that [Name] mentioned. Before any words could be said, however, a blaringly, incessant alarm sounded throughout the sanitarium.

Pein and the others quickly ran up to Itachi and [Name]. "We need to get out of here, quickly. Konan and the others are waiting outside for us. We shouldn't take too long." The man's voice came out rough and authoritative as his unusual purple ringed eyes glanced at the two of them. Itachi's arm reflexively went out to guard [Name].

Should they really trust them? Would they really help them even though they were getting nothing in return?

Pein obviously picked up on Itachi's hesitance and mistrust and quickly acted on it. "We will not hurt you, neither of you. Though, we do need to get out of here, now." And as if emphasizing his words the footsteps and orders from approaching guards could be heard from not far off down the hallway.

Itachi simply nodded and when Pein nodded in return, it didn't take long before the man threw, what looked like weapons, to Deidara, Hidan and Sasori. Though, where he kept all of those large objects was beyond understanding. Maybe a magic coat? "Deidara, I brought some explosives. Would you like to do the honors?"

Deidara laughed as he looked over the explosives in his hands. "Would I EVER?! I've been waiting for this, yeah!"

Guards and an in tow Kabuto suddenly made their appearance around the corner and before things could turn to worse Deidara harshly threw the explosives their way. Things moved fast from there. In a matter of minutes, Itachi had grabbed [Name] and they jumped from the hole in the cement wall, followed by the four men behind them. They safely, but also a little harshly, landed in some shrubbery on the ground.

[Name] tilted her face up to look at Itachi, who was lying underneath her, "Thanks for breaking my fall. But, I think I could have done that myself, just a little more smoothly." A daring smirk played on her lips as she stood up and reached her hand out for Itachi to grab onto. When Itachi stood a few centimeters in front of her, close enough to where they could feel the sparks flying between them and the breaths each other made, they were rudely interrupted.

The man from earlier cleared his throat to gain their attention. Though, where they expected to see four now stood five. A woman with vivid blue hair and stunning eyes stood there beside the others. Her voice came out soft, "I apologize for rudely interrupting your reunion, but we have people waiting. If we are all going to escape successfully this time, we do need to leave immediately." She gave them a small smile and Itachi nodded. When he looked over to see [Name] slightly blushing, he grabbed her hand. He then looked to the bluenette. "Where to?"

"The gate, hurry!"

They all took off at a dead run toward the front of the building. They had taken a bit more time than they wanted to on escaping, causing guards to swarm the place. Hundreds of men and women ran to and fro. Some people in the white uniform workers wore at the sanitarium, others in black, guards with guns.

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