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"let's gaurrrrr!" jake hollers, high-fiving jay, as their first dance rehearsal for the new comeback finally comes to an end.

"i'm tired as hell," jay complains, massaging a hand to his sore back.

"let's eat ramyeon!" heeseung pipes up, suggestively. his stomach may or may not have just growled hungrily two seconds prior.

the boys agree on their lunch to eat for once they get back to the apartment, but they're quickly stopped in their tracks by the boss and his assistant.

"boys, you're free to wait in the van. i just need a word with sunghoon for a moment. won't take long."

jungwon shoots sunghoon a worried look. but sunghoon dismisses him, sure that nothing the boss can say will get to him.

he places his hands to his hips and lightly taps his foot, signifying his impatience.

the boss begins. "i see you and the others have warmed up to sunoo, him being the newest addition and all."

oh, great. here we go, sunghoon internally groans. he has to bite his tongue. he's not an idiot and knows this discussion is going somewhere directed towards him and something his boss would deem he did "wrong". sunghoon wishes he would stop beating around the bush because if he isn't mistaken, he's probably the one being targeted for one reason and one reason alone: he's the openly (not to the world yet, though) gay guy in the group.

"yeah, we are. he's very talented and easy to get along with," the blonde vaguely replies. the words, are we done here? are practically begging to roll off the tip of his tongue.

the boss sends his assistant a message with his eyes, as if they spoke some secret language. the assistant nodded before exiting the room.

a bewildered expression now shadowed sunghoon's previously calmed one. if the assistant has to leave, is this talk more serious than he anticipated? subconsciously, sunghoon tenses, his hands sliding down into jacket pockets.

the boss clears his throat. "look, we've reviewed the livestream from the other day and your behavior..."

his words drift off a bit and sunghoon raises an eyebrow. "my behavior...?" he eggs on.

"...it was inappropriate, to say the least. you couldn't take your eyes off of sunoo and the staff and i agreed it was much too suspicious. we don't want to cause any rumors after just having him join the group. your actions only increased today during the dance rehearsal, with the amount of physical contact you two shared–"

"woah, woah, woah. first of all, it was only apart of the dance routine. and when was looking at someone fondly a crime?" sunghoon snaps back, interrupting his boss's feigned speech. let's just say, sunghoon was never one to respect those who can't respect him back.

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