Chapter 4; The first time

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Dirty jokes
I felt Akira squirming under me still. "I said stop.„ I snapped. She glared up at me. "Let me fucking go!„ she spat. I glared back at her. "Then you have to stop!„ I replied. "Fuck no!„ she snapped. I watched as her as turned a soft white. "Don't you fucking dare!„ I hissed. She sighed and her eyes returned to the dark red. "Get. Off. Me!„ she shrieked. "No! Not until you fucking agree!„ I snapped at her. She began squirming again. "Stop fucking moving.„ I snapped glaring in to her eyes. "I was going to say something but that doesn't seem appropriate at the moment.„ she replied. "Seriously, you were gonna say that out of all things.„ I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Yes I was.„ a smirk came across my face. "Your dirty minded.„ he replied. "I'm aware, but so are you.„ I laughed. "Oh hush.„ "Okay can you get off me now?„ 'I hope he does' "hmm. Nope!„
"What!? Why!?„ I questioned. "Because, I can.„ he stared me in the eyes. So I stared back, 'Jeez I never realized how pretty his eyes were.' A smirk crossed his face. "What?„ I asked. 'God what is he thinking about now.' "Oh nothing.„ he replied. I rolled my eyes and replied sarcastically "sureee„.

I climbed off Akira. "There, happy?„ "very.„ she replied. She smiled, "you wanna play a game or something?„ "sure„ I replied. He watched as Akira stood up and turned her Tv on. 'God I never realized how pretty she is. Wait. No, I hate her what am I thinking.' I shook my head before getting up and grabbing my controller.
The two played Mario Kart for about 2 hours. Before growing tired. Of course Akira smoked a few times while they played but Tomura shook it off.
I let out a yawn before getting up and walking to the kitchen. "What's up Akira?„ Kuroguri asked. "I want something to drink.„ I knew Kuroguri would know what I meant and he passed me a beer. I went back to my room. "Seriously?„ Tomura stared at me. "Seriously now let's continue.„ We played for another 3 hours before falling asleep on my bed randomly. Of course I woke up randomly during the night and didn't get much sleep, but I was used to it by now.

                           The end of chapter 4
Sorry for the short chapter 🥹

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