Chapter 3

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With the snap of her fingers I was teleported back to the warm sun and the song of birds. Still afraid to open my eyes, I took a deep breath in and smelled the forest. It definitely smelled like home, so I decided to take the ultimate test and open my eyes.

Indeed they still worked, Echidna hadn't lied sure, but she never specifically said where I would be send, and opening my eyes I felt everything in me go cold to the core. Right there in front of me stood a woman, whose back was turned to me. She had a hood on but that didn't help as a few snakes were finding their way out of it. I tried to run without making a sound, but I was clumsier than a fat cow so you won't be surprised to know I broke a twig that alarmed Medusa and all her snakes with my first step. What would come as a surprise is the fact that at that very moment my eyes met hers and my initial reaction was to admire how beautiful they were, though full of emotions that I couldn't recognize.. As soon as I saw these emotions they were replaced by surprise and shock. That's when I realized that although I was no longer blind and was standing in front of Medusa I was still alive.

I had absolutely no idea what to do so I waved my hand and greeted her "Hi, am I going to die? If so please do it fast"

The look on Medusa's face was unreadable. It was maybe a mix between confusion and shock, and if I am not imagining it a pinch of...fear? No, it can't be. Why would there be fear in her when she is standing in front of a mere mortal, same to the thousands that she had killed before with a simple look. Medusa still stood there and she wasn't moving. The snakes were all ready to attack, but quiet. I don't know what I was expecting but I wasn't going to wait and find out. Maybe she was in a good mood today and it was her silent way of telling me I could go? I am definitely not taking a chance, a seeing the current situation I decided to make a run for it.

I ran like hell, never looking back. That was the case until I heard the voices of men, the cries of warriors and a voice I would sadly recognize everywhere. Perseus. Before I knew it they saw me. I tried to run back, sure that Medusa would me more merciful in killing me than my "dear" husband but the trail was blocked by two men. Perseus came to me and told the rest of them to leave. He didn't seem to notice that I had normal human vision so I kept my eyes trained on the ground. He placed the aegis on the ground and reached for something in his backpack.

"Do you know that the whole town has been looking for you? And me? Do you know that I have needs? I AM A MAN! You can't expect me to go a week without a way to please myself. There will be a punishment, I promise. And it won't wait till later."

With that he took the rope and tied me to the tree he had me pushed against. He never heard my cries and pleads. He didn't care about how much pain I was in, he just had his way and when he was finished he let his war buddies do the same . One after the other, some came in groups. By the time it was all over I had a body full of bruises, I was bleeding from my pelvic region and the pain everywhere was unbearable. I never regretted a decision more than the one to run away from Medusa. Dying to her hand seemed like a blessing. I was cold and in pain and this nightmare was nowhere near over it seemed. Once the pricks had their dinner and drinks, they decided to go for round two. The first ones were too drunk and passed out before being able to do anything, but the ones that did most of the damage on my body were getting ready and I knew they would finish what they started. I prepared myself to die in agony and waited with closed eyes for the first one to have his way, but the pain never came. I only came to my senses when I heard the shrieking screen of some before they came to a sudden stop. I opened my eyes and was met with those beautiful, unreadable green eyes, that I had ran from earlier. Before I can say anything I felt the snakes on the ropes untieing me. Since my legs were too weak from the torture, once the last rope bundle was untied I expected to fall on the ground, but it never happened. I found myself in Medusa's arms being carried away to a place I am sure was safer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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