Chapter 1

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We have all heard the myth of the fearsome Medusa, half woman half reptile, living in a cave and turning everyone she looks at to stone. People feared her, hunters from each of the 4 lands traveled to Hellas in an attempt to claim her head along with her snaked hair only to find their deaths in the matter of just one look. The elderly say that she has a whole army of statues right in front of her cave as a warning to whomever may be brave enough to try and cross her.

People have made a lot of different stories about her, some say she was born that way, others say that she was cursed by Athena herself for luring her husband Poseidon into her slutty hands. They say that time doesn't play a role when it comes to her. No one really knows how old she really is, some say she has been here since the dawn of time, others that she is over a 1000 years old but all in all no one knows for sure.

The only thing people are certain of when it comes to her is that she is a monster, a nightmare ready to kill any brave hunter, prince or douche who tries to claim her head. They describe her as a gruesome monster who has taken the form of a half snake half woman, but no one knows for sure since there are not really any survivors to tell a story.

Truth is, I've always been fascinated with legends and stories of epic battles and fights worthy of being entertainment to the gods themselves. But one story in particular has always had my attention more that others, the story of Medusa. Now, don't think I would not be mortified if I ever come close to her, the mere thought that she can't turn me to stone because I am blind does not mean that she cannot torture me, and make me want to look into those eyes, just so death could come faster. But for some reason I've always wanted to know the true story behind this creature. Since I was little I always asked the elders questions about her, wanted to hear more stories and every time a warrior or hunter would go into the forest in search for the snake's dent I would find myself wanting to follow them and feel what it is like to be in her presence. Thus, when I turned 19 and was expected to find a man and have a family with him. My father, a very brutal and non forgiving man gave my hand to the village's first in command - Perseus. He offered my father to free him from his debts and promised him a life with unlimited ambrosia just for my hand. Father didn't hesitate for a moment, but as it turned out my father and Perseus were equally brutal. Father made my life a living hell because of my disability and Perseus made sure to continue the tradition. Day after day, beating after beating I grew stronger and stronger and started to make use of my stronger 4 senses so I could escape this living hell and try to make the most of my life. Now almost 2 years later his group was going to try and claim the power of the snakes. Perseus got the bronze aegis of Athena. One of the 4 gifts of the Gods he needed to obtain before going to war with Medusa.

When I heard rumor about this I knew I had to follow the group and see for myself what would happen. This time the hunters had a secret weapon that Medusa was not aware of and could easily lead her in to their trap. As I was lost in thought I heard someone yell my name.

''Oi, Andromeda, come here and do you chores! I didn't get a wife to cook for myself on my own!'' as heard him I flinched because I knew what would follow if I didn't obey him. So I made my way towards him, and prepared the dinner. As I was about to make my way towards the table with the dish and wine I tripped over something and that caused me to drop the dishes and shatter them into pieces. Immidietly, I tried getting up to clean the mess my accidentally cut myself on a piece of glass. I winced in pain but what followed was 10 times worse.

"What is wrong with you? You made a fucking mess and you can't even clean it properly! You ruined my clothes!" and then followed a slap. Then another one and then a kick and a punch. They all came raining all over my body until my vision blacked out...

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