[11] Vitality of the heart

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The Golden Turtle carriage easily passed through Puzzle City gate.

They went straight to the biggest inn in the city.

From the inn window, Clyde could see the city buzzing with people.They arrived right when The Rock Tower Festival started.The streets were filled with twinkling magic lights. People crowded around a group of dancers and the cheerful music made the atmosphere warm.

"Isn't it Beautiful?" Cale sat on the other side of the large window sill, "Even if the city is smaller than Rain City, it is just as lively."

"Yes..." Clyde answered briefly.

"Clyde, look at that." Cale pointed at the group of children who cheerfully created a stone tower,

"Since ancient times, rock towers have had a special meaning for the citizens of Puzzle City. Every single house has a rock tower in front of it. That's why Puzzle City was widely known as the City of Rock Tower."

The rock tower formed in different sizes and shapes. The inn they stayed in also had a rock tower in front of it.

"Do you want to hear the story behind the rock tower tradition?" Their mother pulled out a chair and sat between them.

"You know the story about Puzzle City too, Mom?" Cale said, enthusiastic.

"Of course."

Honestly, Cale already knew the story from his past life. Nevertheless, he urged his mother to tell the story because maybe Clyde wanted to hear it.

Clyde didn't say anything. However, the stoic kid looked away from the window and gave all his attention to their mother.

"In ancient times, the people who lived in Puzzle City committed unforgivable sins. As a result, the gods left them. The city fell out of the gods' grace."

It was a background setting that Clyde never read from The Birth of a Hero.

"It is not known the exact time. But at some point, people started working together to build rock towers to reach out the god that abandoned them."

"Did it work?" asked Clyde.

"No. None of the prayers went through. That's why Puzzle City doesn't have an active temple."

"Active temple? Does that mean there is an inactive one?"

"Yes. A temple ruin still remains somewhere in the city's outskirts."

Cale was lost in thought. He spent years fighting wars in Puzzle City. But never found the temple that his mother mentioned.

He wondered if the legend had anything to do with why the White Star had attacked Puzzle City.

"If the gods didn't listen to their prayers, why they bothered to build a rock tower until now?"

"Because the rock tower represents a promise that they will overcome the hardships with their own power. The rock tower is the representation of their determination."

"But, Mom, in the children's storybook, our hope will come true if we pray in front of the rock tower."

At Cale's words, their mother chuckled, "Yes, there's that story too."


The next day, Clyde reviewed his to-do list.

He had to think of a way to find the dragon egg.

Ron had already checked Viscount Tolz's villa but found nothing suspicious. Even the cave that should be in the mountain behind the villa was nowhere to be found.

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