[10] A dragon, Young Master?

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The sky was bright without clouds. As if the heavy rain the night before was a lie.

Was it because his body was still a child? Somehow Cale failed to hide his excitement.

Today, they would start their journey to Puzzle City. Cale was walking towards the carriage with a spring in his step. Behind him, his father and mother followed with Clyde in her embrace.

Cale jumped into the biggest white carriage with a golden turtle. After they all got in, the party of 4 carriages departed. In the biggest white carriage, Cale sat together with his family. Ron sat beside the coachman.

Beacrox and other servants were on the second carriage, whereas the remaining two carriages carried the luggages. The knight brigade led by the captain escorted them by horses.

Cale had two reasons why he liked the trip so much. One, his father ended up going with them. Second, his father and other nobles were called to the assembly hall. Since they are already planning to go to puzzle city, why not go to the capital together? So this trip would be a long vacation for Cale.

Though it might be hard for Clyde to go on a long journey. However, Clyde said he would be okay as soon as he got the ancient power in puzzle city.


For the first time since he was reincarnated, Clyde left the Henituse territory. The trip was more boring than he thought. Once they exited their territory, there were only rocky mountains and forests along the road.

In the novel, when the protagonist passed by a place like this, the bandits would show up like a cliche.

However, Clyde's trip this time was so peaceful that he could sleep all day long. His family's warm catering became the best backsound music for him. But, like always, his hyung didn't let him sleep much. He said Clyde should not sleep all day to be healthy.

In Clyde's opinion, there was nothing called sleeping too much. You slept when you had time and woke up when you were hungry.

Knowing how bored he was, his mother started singing a song to them. Cale and his father cheerfully join in to sing. Clyde listened to them while lying on his mother's lap. He enjoyed their voices and the warmth of the hand stroking his hair.

"Clyde, you too, sing along!"

Clyde ignored Cale. He now could speak better. But he still didn't want to sing, tho.

If not singing, his mom would tell an ancient story or a tale about the heroes and the gods.

They would occasionally stop to eat meals and rest. That was how their trip was mostly spent.


When Clyde woke up from his nap, the carriage had stopped.

"Are you awake, Clyde?"

Hearing Cale's voice, Clyde turned to the seat across from him.

Cale sat there with a jar of cookies in his hand. Clyde could not find his mother and father. They probably went out to the camp.

"Yeah," Clyde answered lazily. He stretched his little body like a cat.

"I estimate we will pass the village tomorrow."

They were now in a Viscount's territory that was right next to the Henituse territory. In the mountain on the right side of the village they would pass by tomorrow, a villa belonging to Viscount Tolz was built.

In reality, the villa belonged to Marquis Stan. A crazy bastard who imprisoned and tried to tame a black dragon.

"The Black Dragon is trapped in the cave hidden in the mountain behind the villa?"

"Yes. But it's ten years later. I don't know if the black dragon is already there."

Ten years later, the Black Dragon would cause a mana explosion and send the cave and the mountain flying. Choi Han would defeat the Black Dragon and save the villager. However, Clyde and Cale agreed that a kid, even if it was a dragon, didn't deserve to be tortured and lose their life. So they would save the dragon. Preferably if they could find it before the egg hatched.

"We definitely must fin-"

"Hohoho, a dragon, Young Masters?"

Cale's words were interrupted by a scary voice (it was only scary in Clyde's ears).

"Ron. Hahahaha." Cale laughed awkwardly. He was talented in acting and deceiving people. However, for some reason, he couldn't lie to Ron.

He glanced at his baby brother, asking Clyde what to do with his gaze. Clyde averted his gaze and hid under his cozy blanket.

"Young Master Clyde, please wake up and drink your milk. We can talk about the dragon after you finish."

Cale saw Clyde's reddish brown eyes shake. The kid timidly came out of the blanket and received the glass of milk.

Since the tea already spilled, Cale decided to take advantage of the situation.

"Ron, please come in for a while."

Cale moved to Clyde's side and allowed Ron to sit where he originally sat.

The carriage was shrouded in silence for a moment.

"What I am telling you is a secret. So, promise me you won't reveal it to anyone. Including my parents."

Ron looked at Cale as if guessing what Cale was thinking.

The answer came a bit late.

"If it can harm Young Master, I must report it to the master and madam."

"It won't harm us. Ron is the one who will be in danger if you willing to help us." Cale answered seriously.

"Hyung," Knowing what Cale was trying to do, Clyde tried to stop him.

However Cale, "It's okay, Clyde. Ron is really strong."

'That's not what I meant,' thought Clyde.

"Hoho... How did you know about my strength, Young Master?"

"I can't tell you now," Cale answered with some hesitation.

"We can't tell you. However, I promise that what we do won't hurt Ron and Beacrox," Clyde helped.

Clyde didn't fully trust Ron because in The Birth of a Hero, Ron left Cale. However, Cale believed in Ron. Then Clyde would do whatever Cale wanted.

"Alright." Ron nodded.

Cale started to tell him about the black dragon, the Tolz family, and the Stan family.

Ron became more and more serious as Cale talked.

"I will secretly investigate the villa and cave you mentioned as we pass through the village. And I will not ask where did Young Masters get this information from. However, could I find the answer myself?"

"Do what you want."


Good night everyone.

See u in Sunday


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