Behind Closed Doors

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“Close the door.”

The silence in the room gets filled with the audible sound of Jin gulping as he obeys and shuts the door behind him.

Jin doesn’t move from his position. He’s not sure how to react in a situation like this, which is ironic considering he always knew how to plan out every little detail in nearly every situation.

But when he has these rich, brown dragon like eyes pinning him in place and staring down at him like the next breath he takes will determine if he lives or not—it’s hard to think of anything else but what Jin has in front of him.

Clearing his throat, Jin puts his hands behind his back and gives the older man an innocent look, “Did I do something wrong?”

Because Namjoon has never called seokjin into his office. Jin never understood why but he never dared to question the man.

Jin simply does what he’s told and in return, Namjoon praises him for it.

But Mr. Kim doesn’t look like he’s in the mood for giving those tonight. And that has Jin slightly worried, even if he tries his best not to show it.

A hum, low and thoughtful, comes from Mr. Kim and he slowly raises an eyebrow, “I don’t know, did you?”

He doesn’t think he did but—jin's definition of ‘wrong’ has always been different from Namjoon's.

Jin frowns, feeling a little stumped, “I don’t…know why else you would call me here.”

And for once, Namjoon can tell that seokjin is being completely honest. Something that both endears and hinders him.

Namjoon crosses his arms and leaning back into the leather chair, and jin's throat feels dry when he watches how the three-pieces suit Mr. Kim is wearing hugs his muscles perfectly, showing off just how much he packs when his arms flex over his chest.

Then, when Namjoon speaks again, jin's entire body flushes with heat.

“Come here.”

It sounds more like a command than anything else. It’s probably why it’s so easy for jin to listen, as his body begins to move before his mind can make a decision on its own.

As he steadily approaches Namjoon's desk, jin notices a subtle disapproving look from the other man, causing seokjin to tentatively walk around namjoon's desk and stand in front of the man himself with a small, confused look.

And when Mr. Kim doesn’t talk right away, jin finds himself awkwardly shuffling on his feet, unsure of what to say or do—

“I said to come here.”

Jin looks at Mr. Kim with a frown, a little puzzled because he is here.


Slowly, namjoon leans back some more and at the same time, he’s spreading his legs wider, filling up more space on the chair.

And that’s when jin takes a small inhale of recognition, his mouth turning into a small ‘O’.

I see.

A little bit hesitant, jin moves closer—silently hoping Namjoon will sorta help him out with this, but the man simply sits there and watches jin—and he’s climbing onto his lap, jin's hands resting on Namjoon's shoulders for support.

Jin wets his lips and swallows with knitted brows, “Are you going to tell me what I did wrong?”

When the older man hums, seokjin lets a shudder rip through him because he can feel it—low and rumbling—against his entire body, and he has butterflies in places that he probably shouldn’t be right now.

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