It's Gonna Get You in Trouble.

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Dubious consent

Boypussy kim Seokjin

Being the alpha leader of the bangtan gang Namjoon barely had any weaknesses... but little did anyone know... he had one weakness... kim seokjin...

His eyes had landed on this beautiful omega almost 2 years back..... kim seokjin had come looking for a job in one of his strip clubs... and being the beautiful omega that he is... he was immidiately accepeted by the club's manger...
It was during his trainee days that namjoon had first seen the omega... trying hard to master his moves on the pole...

Namjoon was awestruck... those baby blue eyes, those long brown locks, perfectly complimenting his gorgeous pale skin... his perfect curves... were more than enough to draw any alpha towards him... and namjoon being no exception...

Namjoon let seokjin be alone... while he was still training to be a stripper.... but it was during seokjin's first performance that namjoon couldn't control himself...

It was a private performance meant only for namjoon and a few of his other close friends...

The very moment seokjin walked in wearing a gorgeous yet skimpy outfit, which barely left anything for one's imagination... Namjoon felt like his entire body was set on fire... and that heat reached directly to his groin....

Seokjin on the other hand... was very well aware of the fact that the alpha who had been eyeing him for a couple of months would be here for his first performance too.... and tbh... he was equally attracted towards the alpha... and why wouldn't he be...

Kim namjoon was the true definition of young, rich, powerful and handsome... during his first week of training he did notice the alpha lingering around his practise room quiet often....
Sometimes he would lock eyes with the alpha, and he'd immidiately turn red... it was in those moments that he realised he did love the attention he was getting from the alpha...

Once seokjin had accompanied the club's manager to the alpha's mansion... and that day he was met with the alpha walking out of his room in nothing but a bath robe fresh out of the shower...

The robe was sticking to his semi wet body... and did nothing to hide the alpha's well built body and his manhood....
Seokjin's throat went try at the image he saw infront of him... and he was caught red handed by the alpha while checking him out... the smirk on the alpha's face never left, once he had caught the omega's prying all over him, he knowingly manspread on the couch infront of him, just to give seokjin a glimpse of what he was eyeing, both of them well aware of the games they were playing.... and tbh... none of them were planning to hold their stance down...

Jin somehow controlled himself while he was seated right across the alpha... bearing the sweet torture....
But later on....

That night jin had pleasured himself to sleep thinking about the alpha railing into him...
That was the day when he had decided to take his revenge on the alpha...
He wanted to tease the alpha as badly as he had been teased that day....

"TIT FOR TAT" seokjin was a firm beliver of the same...

And he got the perfect oppurtunity to excute his revenge plan... when he was infromed by the club's manger that for his first performance alpha namjoon and his friends would be there...

Seokjin choose his outfit very carefully... something elegant and sexy, yet leaves a little bit of space for imagination...

And the very moment he walked into the private lounge... he could feel the alpha's eyes on him scanning every inch of his body....
He knew his plan was working... he knew he had the alpha's attention right from the moment he walked in...

Namjin Smuts (repost)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora