Chapter Twenty-Three.

Începe de la început

"It's alright, you we're probably stressed out."

Skipper whines, slipping his head underneath Scarlett's hand.

"But it's okay, we got this big boy now!" She puts her hands on each side of his face and squishes it. Then rubs her nose on his.

You both giggle.

"Yeah, I feel bad though. He lost his best friend." You rest your hand on his head.

"Yeah, but you should get to bed." She gives you another hug before heading towards the door.


She turns around to you.


"Thank you."

She gives you a smile.

"Goodnight, y/n."

She closes the door behind her.

You get comfortable again, Skipper comes up to you and rests his head on your stomach.

You both fall asleep.

11:34 pm

You could hear Skipper whining. You open your eyes to see him at the end of your bed looking at something.

You sit up, your eyes adjusts to the dark.

"Lincoln?" Just like Evan his injury was visible. He was just standing there in front of your bed, looking at you with terrified eyes.

He slowly gets on your bed, then looks out the window.

He looks back at you then points to it.

You get on your knees then look out of it too.

You could see William's car pulling into his driveway.

He gets out of his car then goes to the trunk. He opens it then takes out two trash bags, holding one in each hand. He drags them to his front door.


You quickly get out of bed, you pause then looks back at Lincoln.

"Skipper will be okay linc, don't worry."

He nods his head then slowly disappears with a slight smile on his face.

You quickly go to your door and open it, then you run to Scarlett's room.

You open the door then go to wake her up.

"Scarlett!" You shout, waking her up.

"What what? What happened?" She sits up.

"I need you to get 911 ready."

"What why?" She grabs her phone off of her nightstand.

"I'm going to the house across the street, I saw something very suspicious and I need you to look out the window, if you see anything going on while I'm there call them."

"Alright." She quickly gets up from her bed and you both go downstairs.

You open the blinds then open the front door.

Scarlett gets 911 ready.

You run to William's house.

You run up the porch stairs then open the front door.

The living room was empty, you hear the garage door open.

"Y/n!" You hear William shout. "I'm so glad you're here."

"What did you do." You plainly ask.

"I succeeded, thats what I did."

He slowly walks to you.

Scarlett notices him.

"William, where are those kids?" You ask, backing away from him.

He grabs two needles out of his pocket.

"Right here." He gives you a proud smile.

He puts them back.

"I did this for us you know."

He puts his hands on both sides of your face.

"You're so beautiful.."

Your heart still beats for him. You still love him. But you feel betrayed.

He takes one of the needles out.

"This one is yours, my love."

He slips it in your back pocket.

He takes the other one out.

"This one is mine."

He puts that one on your other back pocket.

"Take yours when I leave, then give me mine when I come back."

You hear cars pulling up. Red and blue lights fill the room.

"Police open up!"

You ignore them. You just look up at William's eyes. The eyes you fell in love with. The eyes of the man you thought you could trust.

The police men busts down the door. Then quickly putting William in handcuffs.



"You disgust me.."

He looks down at you with a smile. He leans in and gives you a passionate kiss.

It was different from the other times.

This time it was not full of love.

It was full of insanity.

They take him away as you lean on the door frame.

He keeps looking at you while they put him in the police car.

"I'll come back! I'll always come back for you my delicate flower!"

You hear him say, it was muffled but it still sent chills down your spine.

The police car drives away.
But you'll always remember that smile.

And those silver eyes.

You Disgust Me.. (William A. x Female Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum