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Sasha didn't make it

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Sasha didn't make it. She left with Dad for the fight in Alexandria. He came back, she didn't. Jeanette was both relieved and disappointed.

Things were fine, and then Rick showed up, shot out all their windows, and sicked a herd on them. It has been thirty minutes since this last event, and there is still no sign of her father. She has also not stopped reliving two particular memories in her mind.

The first is from when Dad left Lucille.

"Please don't go," her stepmother begged him. "Negan, we need you."

"You need this chemo," Dad argued. "Baby, we are so close to gettin' you—"

"God dammit Negan you are chasing a dream that's already died!"

Jeanette's head whipped back and forth between them, eyes watering. God dammit, he always did this. "Daddy, please stay," she begged quietly. He sighed and looked at her apologetically.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'll be back, I promise." To Lucille, he said, "I am going to find these doctors, and I am going to get you the drugs you need, and then we are going to kick the cancer out of you."

"Fine," she snapped. "If your own daughter can't convince you then I guess no one can. Go on and find them, then. Find 'em like you found Janine. Go and make yourself feel better for a little while. Let me know when reality catches up to ya this time, okay?"

Dad just sighed and left, and Jeanette sobbed. Lucille went to touch her shoulder and she flinched away. She sighed. What is it with adults and sighing?

"I didn't mean what I said about yer mom, honey."

"Whatever," she snapped. "Yer right, anyway. He's abandonin' us, just like he did her. All he does is leave and lie. I hope he dies out there."

"Hey," Lucille scolds. "Don't talk like that, Jeanette. 'Sides, you don't mean that."

"Yes, I do," she insisted. But she didn't. Only then she thought about what he did to her mom, and then she did.

Which leads to memory two.

"Look, Janine, it's getting bad out there. Lucille wants you and Jeanie to come, an' I agree."

"Seriously?" Mom scoffed. "You want me to fuckin' live with you an' her? We'll kill each other."

"I'll try my hardest," Dad quipped. "Look, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I'm being nice to you, so I'd suggest ya take it."

"No," Mom insisted. "I'm not gonna be yer fuckin' charity case."

He growled and Jeanette heard something slam, probably his fist.

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